
Easier way to read a book in the bathtub?

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I love my Mangas, and there's one series that I'd love to read in the bathtub, so I can relax in a bubblebath, read, and listen to classical music. I also value my books a whole lot. So, whats a way to read in the tub without dropping to book, or getting it a little wet. Because the waters really warm, and I love to put my hands in the water. So, yeah. Help?




  1. Good question.

    I've found these Waterproof Book Covers, by Martha Stewart that you can make at home:

    As for the page turning dilemma, I usually put my hands in the water and read until I need to turn the page, then I towel dry them with a small dish towel that I keep handy.

    I would put a board across the top of the bath tub (over where I lay), or I would invest in this handy thing:

    and lay the book down, holding the edges down with any handy object heavy enough to do so, while soaking my hands, then towel dry to turn, and repeat.


    Happy Reading.

  2. you could always cove each page ios some plastic that way it doesnt matter if it gets wet.. or everytime u need to flick the page you could always put on a glove.. idk

  3. 0mg, i luv to do the same thing, maybe just maybe, there is like!!...0, maybe you can buy one of those laptop stands, and prop the book up on the bathtub, and maybe that will work!!!

  4. Seems like the obvious simple solution is to not put your hands in the water...

    If I had a magical spell I could cast on you that made your books waterproof, I would do it.

  5. Buy another copy so if you drop it, it won't matter

  6. Lol I'm the same way I just kinda hold mine over the side of the tub... Or I kneel over the side of the tub and have the book on the floor...not the most comfortable postion but it its better then dropping the book in the water. I would also keep a dry was cloth handy to dry off your hands whenever you dunk your hands in the water. O and if you don't mind spending money you can buy a little book caddy thing for the tub I hope this helped

  7. use a tv tray and use bubble wrap for a book cover

  8. well i dont think there is any way for u to read a book without ur hands unless you get sumone to turn the pages for you but if you really wanna read... i'd normally put it along the edge of the bathtub cuz i find that its the safest place for my book

  9. Get a floating table or lap desk...and have towels at the ready! If you're desperate and feel like taking the time to figure it out, you could laminate each page xD haha. That would take a while...anyway, I have the same problem and normally I read until my hands get too cold x] Good luck, if you find a solution tell me!!

  10. well you could build a bookstand onto the wall and then just have to worry about turning the pages

    or you could buy a floating desk and put it on that

  11. tape it to a wall and look at it

  12. You could hire someone to hold the book and flip the pages for you.  Or rip the pages out and put them each in individual plastic covers and read them that way.

  13. cover the book up in saran wrap!.............idk

  14. I've found audio books the best way to go while relaxing in a tub, but I don't have all of my books on audio so try this.  Put some of those large paper clips on the tops of the pages (for turning without touching the pages) and do like babidoll said and get one of the laptop stands to rest the book on (the plastic ones are better for this) and turn you pages using something other than your hands.  I keep those long stick matches near my tub to light my candles and they work well for me to slip behind the paperclip and turn the pages.  It takes a little practice, but you really can read a book without touching it.  

    Of course, you could just dry your hands every time you turn a page but I found that a bit of a hassle too.

  15. Are u typing this question from bathtub?.lol.............give ur book a wax coat,just rub the pages with candle wax or something like that, idk.

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