
Easiest and most Reliable way to tell a ***** is on heat?

by  |  earlier

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I have two female puppies, both about 8 months old. A friend of mine owns their sister. There would've been no problem, but my friend has now purchased a male dog, same breed as my puppies, and half the age. I need to know how to tell my dogs are on heat, so as to avoid them getting pregnant. My friend's ***** is spayed, but her other dog is not, and neither are my puppies. So, what is the easiest, and most reliable way to tell they are on heat, or about to go on heat?




  1. The b*****s swell and bleed.

  2. Your dogs will have a little blood come out of the v***a you might catch them l*****g themselves like crazy. I have never hurd of a dog going into heat until they were at least 14 months old.  

  3. swelling of her v***a, followed by a bloody discharge, the breast will swell. it lasts 21 days give or take a couple days.

  4. A few different things, depends on the bi+ch.

    Things to watch for:

    Swollen v***a

    Red (blood like) discharge or drips

    More frequent grooming


    Bi+chy, moody, depressed -sometimes you see a change in behavior, but this is not the same as lethargy

    Overly friendly

    A sudden interest in showing off the their parts, to any s*x of dog

    If you think you're girl might be coming in to season you can just as easily grab a tissue and blot her v***a to see if there's any bleeding.

    There are also silent heats and split heats.  You might want to read up on those too so you're prepared for what could happen.

    Oh, and pyometra is another one of those things you should read about as well.  This can occur about 3 weeks to 3 months following the girls season.

  5. Thank GOD somebody is going to get their dog fixed and not want to breed puppies.  I love you.  I dont know how to answer the question but I do love you!!!!

  6. the v***a swells and she has a bloody discharge.

    Since you know they are close to coming into heat tho, your best bet is to just keep them all separated from the male until you can get them spayed and neutered.

    Dogs do sometimes have "silent" heats where they do not swell or bleed, but are quite fertile and will mate!

  7. Not sure it could be, Please No sister or inbreeds. Too many stay dogs in the streets.please save the dogs from the street puppys

  8. they bleed

  9. their private part gets big and red it last about 5 to 8 days

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