
Easiest or best way to keep the bed skirt in place?

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I admit I don't wash the bed skirt often, but still have trouble keeping it in place when I do the sheets? Quick solution that is easy on my weak back, please




  1. I hate the bed skirt.Everytime you go to tuck the sheet you end up pulling the shirt up as well..Now dont laugh.. sometimes when you are on the floor /use a spatcula to tuck as you hold the shirt.. and it saves your back as Well. good luck. I've also tried pinning it down to the mattress around the corners.

    NOTE:. I ended up taking it off and getting a captains bed so, I have alot of drawers underneath the mattress and it managed to declutter the room as well.

  2. I don't use them, because the cat sees them as a new thing to shred.

    You could try pinning it to the box spring, but the idea of pins and bed anywhere near each other bothers me a bit. so i would prolly get some Velcro or something, and put it around in random spots, or all around if your a really desperate neat freak :)

  3. We have over 100 bedskirts at the hotel where I work.  We bought a roll of velcro and a little tube of fabric cement.  I'd try just the velcro first since it has a very sticky backing and should hold all by itself.  You can buy it at Walmart.  Cut you off about 8 strips about two inches long.  Pull each strip apart.  Attach one half of each velcro strip at each corner of the boxsprings, then one in the center of the top, bottom and sides.  Attach the other half of the velcro to the bedskirt one at a time making sure it hangs the way you want it, then press them together again.  The ones we've done so far have held in place for months.  If you have a problem just buy some of the fabric cement and smear a little on each sticky side of the velcro, put back in place and let it dry.

  4. I got some tacks, I think they are called upholstery tacks, that have a head and then a curly metal part that kind of "screws" into fabric. I know that's not a good description. I'm going to try to find a picture of one on line so I can show you. On one bed I have just the skirt, which is really easier, since it just goes around the mattress. The tacks hold the skirt in place beautifully. On another bed I have the kind of skirt that is one piece and fits all the way across under the mattress. I use a lot less tacks on that one. Just enough to keep the skirt from shifting. With your back being a problem I wonder if you would be better off just getting a bigger spread or quilt that will fall to the floor so you don't need a skirt? I've even seen spreads that have the "dust ruffle" attached so it's all in one piece. The skirts can be very difficult to deal with when your back's not strong. I can relate. And by the way, I don't take my bed skirts off very often to wash them either!  :-)

  5. Pin it to the fabric on your box-spring.

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