
Easiest way of killing one selves ; I m a 18 year old g*y ; I cant live with it anymore ; people will

by Guest33011  |  earlier

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never accept me; I feel excluded; I am cursed ; while the rest of the guys enjoy with girls ; I have to suffer with secret same s*x crushes ; nobodyyy will accept this ; they will hate me ; people will never understand my problems ; I am cursed with being g*y ; I m cursed with something that I didnt selected ; now dont say to join a g*y club ; that will make me feel even worse ;




  1. I know you don't really think nobody will accept you.

    If you've confided in nobody, how can you be so sure?

    I'll tell you right now, I accept you. If we knew eachother, I'd try to understand your problems, and I'd try to help you through them, even if I'd never dealt with them myself. I would still try.

    You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be surrounded by people who love you. Try to think about taking action. If you don't want to join a club, try spending more time outside or at a local park. Maybe you'll meet nice people with similar interests. Maybe they'll be able to empathize with your problems.

    I guess you'll never really know until you try, right?

    Please try.

  2. of cousre people will acept you.....! i found out 2 years ago that my best freind is a lezbian and were still best freinds,and people gave hera lot of credit for "coming out",shes even freinds with her crush...if there really your freinds,they wont care,and if your family loves you,theyll suport you...dont comitt suicide...i dont know,and ill prob never get the chance to meet you,but i suport you,people have the right to be themselves....please dont comitt,if you still feel like this in a few

  3. You need to stop thinking about what everybody else thinks and start surrounding yourself with the people you feel comfortable with. Maybe you should join a club or just go out a few nights to a mixed club so that you can surround yourself with people that have the same interests that you do. 2 of my good friends are g*y and they are the happiest people alone and together. This is not worth taking your life I promise you that. You are not cursed and once you find that someone who you enjoy being around and visa a versa you will be good emotionally.

  4. Why do you feel so excluded?  There are plenty of g*y people in the world, and you are one of them.  It's 2008, most (high school?) students are accepting of g**s, you'll be the cool g*y friend, stylin', smart, suave.  

    Please don't kill yourself, youre only 18, you haven't even begun to live yet and have so much to offer the world.  

    Are you talking to a therapist about this?  I think you should before you do anything drastic, you may need anti-depressants and therapy (I did as a teenager, though I wasn't in your position).  Have you told your parents or any close friends?  

    Turn your "curse" into your best friend. A lot of places will give scholarships to g*y youth because of the struggles they face for acceptance.  

    I hope you feel better, but please don't end your life yet!



  6. sorry but I'm not a coddler when it comes to suicide.  I agree with the other person, you are selfish and only thinking about yourself.  jump outta the closet.  bet the people that really matter and truely love you will be in your corner.  as for the others  f@#&  them.  but suicide is the cowards way out and only leaves broken hearts behind...

  7. You should call 911 or the hospital where you live.

  8. dont u dare do it. idk you, but even if u feel there is no-one out there at the moment who knows in the future someone might need you and you wont be there. suicide is a permanent soloution to a temperory problem, i went thru suicidal thoughts wen i got dumped for being too ugly and i didnt do it and im now gad im with someone who loves me and dat can happen 4 u dont do it


  9. Whoa!!!!! Suicide Alert...hmm..have some poison(Lizol?) But still u do not need to die just cause you are g*y. Seriously.  

  10. Dude, you're right. DEFINITELY TOUGH. Not everyone is going to ever accept you for who you are...regardless if you are g*y or straight. Even if people take it hard initially, believe me, they'd rather have an alive g*y brother/friend/son than a dead friend/brother/son pretending to be straight.

    I'm not g*y, but honestly, if we care enough about you to tell you to not do this, think about how much your friends and family LOVE you. Dude, I wish you the best!

    If you're in Canada, call Kids Help Phone.......yeah yeah your definitely not a kid but they help people into their early 20's, and it's completely confidential. They don't track your phone number or ask you your name or anything. They can really help you sort things out. It only works if you are in CANADA though. Perhaps someone could offer a similar counselling service for young people in the US that is annonymous as well?  

    Call: 1-800-668-6868

  11. No one, I repeat NO one curses you.

    If there is anyone that speaks against you, the person is an idiot.

    Killing yourself is not the answer!! There are plenty of g*y people who live very happy lives, and you can have one as well! You just feel this way cuz you are young. With time, you will learn to deal with idiots!

    And also: whether you are or not g*y does not matter. At this age, whether it is this or another thing, people will always try to bother you with something! Be better than them, and move on, proud to be what you are, and doing your best to show them how much you can achieve!  

  12. Move out to Los Angeles. There are millions of g*y people out here, and I've never personally seen any of them being harrassed for living their lives as they choose.

    You probably live in a small, Southern town, eh?

  13. People will accept you. There is a whole g*y & L*****n section here on Yahoo that can help you.  

  14. Sit down and chill out with some emo music. It'd fit you very well.


    *u can live with it

    *somebody will accept you

    *not everybody will hate you

    *someone will understand you

    *you are not cursed


  16. You need to talk with someone and now.  Check in with your doctor or call the USA National Suicide & Crisis Hotlines - When You Feel You Can't Go On 1-800-784-2433.  Speaking with someone will help you cope with what you are feeling and going through.  You might feel overwhelmed now, but once you are able to learn to cope and move will start to feel much better about yourself.  Don't outkast good to yourself and call. You are more excepted than you think.

  17. Please don't kill yourself! I may not agree with your life choice but that doesn't mean that I hate you. There are a lot of people out there who feel the same way!

    You must have some reason for living. Think about it; you are here on this earth for a purpose. Me personally would rather stay on earth through troubles, than to die and go into uncertainty.

    Whether or not you know it, there are people out there you love you.

    I know you probably hear this a lot, but God loves you. Just the way you are! He knows what you're going through, and he wants to help you! All you gotta do is ask for it.

    I hope that this helps.

  18. you should watch the show called

    The L word

    It's about people who go through the exact same stuff. Its quite good too

  19. I will certainly NOT give you advice on how to kill yourself. But I am willing to listen and converse with you by mail if you wish, to support you and give  you any advice I think may help you. You are very lonely with a great burden. But if you are seriously suicidal, you have to, but absolutely have to call a suicide hotline, NOW. Dont' wait. If you are not suicidal but just don't know how to fit in, there are options out there and you should know that. Here is some additional information, please check them out right now. There is help out there for you, I promise.

    g*y & L*****n National Hotline

    1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)

  20. You're selfish. Only thinking of yourself and not your loved ones.

    There are plenty of people in this world that are in the same situation as you, accept yourself for who you are.  Make close friends.  Live life to the fullest.

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