
Easiest way of obtaining NIE number when i get to spain?

by  |  earlier

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going spain for as long aspossible end of month, will need to work out there so will need NIE number, someone is faxing me the form over what is the next step? and the cost of it?




  1. The only way is to go to the police station. You can complete the form to fill out online, then print it off and take two copies to the police station. See the link for the appropriate form.

  2. Applying for and obtaining your NIE number can be done in three different ways.  Which one you chose depends largely on why you need your NIE number (and the urgency with which you need it).  Note the following:

    1. You can apply for your NIE Number through the Spanish consulate in the country that you are presently in.  You can download the form directly from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (, take it with you, completed, along with your photo ID and submit the application there.  Note that applying through this method does not cost anything at all, yet you can expect your NIE number to take up to 18 or 19 weeks to be delivered. (They will only deliver it to a Spanish address by the way).

    2. Apply in person.  You can complete the same application form and present yourself at any local branch of the National Police of Spain.  (Note, this is different than the "Guardia Civil").  Depending on which police station you go to, the time taken will vary.  Also note, contrary to previous posts, you do NOT need to bring photos.  As well, the form must be filled in before you go there, no one will assist you in completing it.  The best time to go is at about 6:00 in the morning to get in the queue.  You will likely need to stand there for at least 3 hours before being issued with a ticket.  Then waiting for another hour, you will finally be allowed inside on your turn.  That is to submit the application.  Be sure there are no errors on the form or you will be sent away.  When you have submitted the application, they will give the form back to you with a stamp, and an additional piece of paper.  They should then tell you when you can go back to collect your NIE Number.  In the meantime, you are to take the piece of paper and go to the bank, there you will need to pay a sundry fee (it varies from one police station to another, normally around 10 EUR).  They will provide you with a receipt for this, and you must bring that back with you when you go to collect it.  Then, you must return to the police station on the date specified (I recommend going 3 or 4 days afterwards in order to be sure it will be there.  And yes, you must queue again.  Normally the average turnaround time for your NIE number is roughly 5 weeks.

    3. You can apply through a law firm or a gestoria. is one such company that takes all the hassle of obtaining the NIE Number away.  They only charge 110 EUR and it is well worth the money.

    Note the following websites that will be of assistance:

  3. If you do it yourself its not difficult and costs about 7 euros

  4. I went to my local estate agent and used there solicitor he took me to our nearest NIE office and sorted it out for me, it cost me 75€ but i think this is the best way to do it as the solicitor made sure all my forms were filled in correctly and picked up my NIE number and brought it round for me.

    Remember you need a photo and photo ID when you get there.

    I would advise paying to use a solicitor otherwise you could me waiting in the office for hours.

    Good luck x

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