
Easily Convinced?

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Why is it that people do not believe the several thousand studies indicating human induced global warming/CO2 etc but will believe and cite single studies which refer to global cooling, mostly written by non-climatoligists.

This question is really about psychology rather than the science.




  1. 65 million years ago the Earth was so warm, it allowed huge lizards to live. They were called dinosaurs. About 130,000 years ago the northern hemisphere of the Earth was covered in snow an ice, it was called the iceage.

    Scientists forget this when they speak of climate change and global warming. It's rubbish, all of it.

  2. First of all, I do not believe there is an overwhelming consensus. Psychologically and socially, that is a tactic meant to form a group mind set.  If everybody agrees then you should also agree, and you do not have to question the science.

    There are not single studies, there are many.  Here is a list of 400 highly educated people who are skeptics. Do you think they formed their opinion from the single studies, or by reading some right wing blog?

    Then there is a matter of credibility.  Listening to the pro AGW side they were saying there was only a dozen so skeptics, but here are 400 and there are many more.  Many of these people are  believers who turned skeptics.

    Scientists who seek the truth do not behave they way they behaved forming the hockey stick graph.  You have a person under oath to congress saying they wanted to get rid of the MWP.

    You can read to scientific importance in getting rid of the MWP by coming out with the hockey stick graph:

    Following the hockey stick fiasco, the government came out with the Wegman study that was highly critical in the way the climate science community acted.

    You can also read this article from the National Post on how scientists are pressured to support the AGW theory:

    Given the fact that environmentalists believe the end justifies the means, their history of hysteria, global cooling, population explosion, hole in the ozone (we should of had a pandemic of skin cancers by now), and the way they are acting now, I have to reason to trust them.  Trust is earned not given.

    Edit:  Gee Bob, you can say the same thing about the warmers.  Most environmentalist say regardless if AGW is real, it is still sound policy to reduce energy consumption.

  3. People make up their own mind, considering the facts with the information they have received.

    For example, if person A gets lots of information about climate change, and only little information about global warming, then they are more likely to believe in climate change.

  4. Because it fits their preconceived notions and/or their political beliefs.

    It's very similar to people who think NASA faked the moon landings, because the astronaut was shaking the flag pole and the flag fluttered.  All the scientific evidence is suddenly ignored.

  5. If it is global warming then it is largely our own fault and we have known about it for the better part of fifty years without doing a thing to stop it. No one likes to believe that they are at fault and no one really wants to have to do the things that are necessary if

    we are to slow down  the damage enough to let the earth begin to heal itself. Even the people who are eagerly telling us what we must do, travel by air to their conferences and far the most polluting form of travel. Global warming interferes with our comforts and pastimes and threatens our day to day convenience.

  6. When something is forced upon you the way global warming has been somes peoples natural reaction is to resist mainly out of annoyance.

    Also the more cynical among us who always believe there's some kind of hidden agenda must question why its been so politically motivated in recent times.

  7. thought it was not called global warming any more though they had changed its name to climate change

    its all in the name - global warming only covers the earth warming up , climate change covers any issue with the tempreture

  8. because of misleading movies like "an inconvenient truth" made by sleazy politicians who are seeking personal gain from the issue.

  9. Ignorance is bliss.


    People don't want to feel that they are at fault, selective hearing.

  10. there are plenty of people far more intelligent than you or me who might think that it's you who's easily convinced. be honest now, did you do any research for yourself or did you simple believe everything you were told by the media. consider all the scares thrown at us over the years; Sars virus, avian flu, oh yea how can i forget back in the 70's scientist were convinced that in 30 years we will be experiencing an Ice Age etc, etc

    being skeptical doesn't mean you are easily convinced in fact quiet the opposite.

    do your research unbiasedly, sieved out all the hype from both sides and open your mind to the possibilities that you might be wrong.

    to start you off, read about the 9 errors (35 in all) on al gore film that were corrected by a judge in a high court of london.

    the AGW alarmists who predictions are an embarrassment even to scientist that are pro AGW is enough for me to wonder whats there agenda.

    come over to the dark side feel the force.

  11. As usual people wont realise what damage we have don't until the fat lady sings.  Unfortunately then it will be too late.

    I was listening to the news on the radio this morning and the people of Malawi are having droughts and their forests are just withering away.  Irish charities are looking for the major league companies who are contributing to global warming to pay to help these people.
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