
East End Home Study?

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I have an employee who is trying to get his GED and is using this company... I don't think its legit and I can't locate them in the BBB listing- Please advise




  1. Laura Thompson

    Are you seeking for a legitimate lender from the internet? My name is Laura, from Edmonton Alberta.please i want to advice you to beware of loan from the China and any part of Malaysia because they are all scammers. I have been scammed over 6 times until i came across a loan company from United State. They are so wonderful and serious minded company. I would advice you contact them if you need a loan of any kind(personal or business) because i got a loan from them without any stress after meeting their requirement. Their contact info is: or


  2. Please I need his phone #.

  3. What's telephone number

  4. Yes hes a liar my husband and I got a
    so called ged certificate and I was not convinced everything
    looked so easy,like too good to be true.I just wish there was
    someone out there who could put a stop to this person.He takes
    your money and sends you a fake ged.I went to college and i was
    so excited,now i have to start all over again because that ged
    was not valid.I hope everyone will take this advice.

  5. Please Visit
    Individuals with complaints against Robert Collins, Long Island Home Study, or East End Home Study are encouraged to contact the Attorney General’s Consumer Help Line at 800-771-7755.

    i know its sad as f**k. cause i JUST now found out i was fooled too. I'm going to be calling that # first thing tomorrow morning. if you have his contact number, PLEASE POST IT UP!

  6. Well im a victim and i just found out that this program is fake im appalled and emberrased at the same time bc i went to go register for college and my husband had a feeling that my ged was fake, so he did some research online and sure enough it was fake. But the funny thing is that i still have contact with the guy who sold this program, his name is Bob (yeah what a coincedence BOB) and i have the PO box address...when i found out i felt like calling him back and talk s**t but i dont want to scare him off and change his info. What should i do?? Now i signed up for a class for ged here where i live. I have to start all over again but oh well i just want my ged to go to college.

  7. how did you hear about this company ?  dO they have a business location you can visit ?
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