
East Germany????

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Please, HELP!!! Can't find out what people think about ex-GDR. What do you think about East Germany? What stereotypes do you have?




  1. I used to think they were all rock faced blonde guys with blue eyes, mostly n***s.

    Then I grew up.

    Stereotypes are so stupid.

  2. It was the cheapest country ever in the history of Europe! If you managed to get into the country for a hoilday you could live like a king on approx. Ł10 a week. As for stereotypes: old Trabant and Wartburg cars all over the place, square shaped housing estates, square headed people and cleanlines beyond belief.

  3. East Germany look today very different. They do so much there already, but not everything done and also many places is full with Neonazis and by the last election now some of them sitting in the Parliament. I guess this people vote for them, need to get brain wash.

  4. I live in the Eastern Part, and was born some days before they opened the border.

    Everyone here is happy, that the communistic regime is over here. People are friendly and helpfull. Now, 16 years after the reunification, there are only little differences between East and West. Well, people from the new German states (Eastern Germany) don't like that people call it the East, cuz' its now ONE Germany, NOT 2 German states. Many people, especially from the old states (Western Germany) think, we steal all their money after the reunification, but, here, everyone try to find work and is working hard. You should visit some cities here, and you will see, that the people here, are friendly to everyone and welcome visitors very much. If you don't think that and you still have prejuctices, please don't visit the new German states. But if you are open to see, how the new states are growing up, you are welcome very much!

  5. Hi there from Düseldorf, Germany (Western

    Well, you could arite books about your question, I will try to give you a German point of view:

    If you ever saw the terrible border that divided our country, where people, who wanted to escape from east to west, where just shot down or killed in other ways, you cannot believe that from 1 day to another day (in 1989) all the responsible people disappeared.  If you NOWADAYS ask people, if the had worked for the secret service there (which nearly 60% did) everyone says NOOOO, if you ask, who was in the communist party, just a handful admit it. And all the money of the communist part disappeared also when Germany grew together. It's now in some east-german companies and sometimes one wonders, how much money went into dark channels.  And this money was OUR money, because we west germans could go to east germany, but we had to change 25 Marks per day and person into worthless east-marks.

    Anyway, the question is how are they NOW? The truth? They are jealous und unthankful. In most of their minds the wall still exists and it`s hard to come along with thse people. Not so the youth, though, they think different. But it also must have a reason, why most of the neo-n***s come from eastern part. The workless-rate is nearly 30% there and all you hear in whining.

    But we think positively: Time will make it and in some decades noone will lose a word about it. We're still in a process of growing together and must be patient.

    Greetings from Düsseldorf, Germany

  6. really need to find out. I have answered 2 of your questions. if you want more just e mail me from my profile

  7. Back in the day when East Germany existed, the stereotypes we had for the people were that they were all fascists or Neo n***s and totally brainwashed.

  8. From an American perspective, I've found the people from the former GDR to be genuinely caring and friendly.  The students in the schools I've visited are well-educated and polite. Probably among the friendliest of people I've ever encountered.
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