
East coast heat wave electricity question?

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I am from New York and the power went out few times today(for a brief moment) at my house. I think it's because everyone is using air conditioners and there is not enough power to go around.

For those of you who are on the East Coast and are experiencing this heat wave-Did the power in your house came out today?




  1. We didn't lose power today at all.  But we do for a few seconds periodically.

  2. Im not from America, or even where you are but we experience power shortages in summer and winter of course because of strorms in certain areas, and lots of our areas still have pole to pole above ground electricity: the reason there has been no quick change for that, is the gov. has been spending the money that had stored and wants the people to pay most of it if any changes are to be made!

    So we have a stand still situation.

    Only new areas in the last 10 years have been getting underground power.

    Anyway, with you it would be air conditioning overuse, untill they find some other way to cool people in extreme situations everyone is stuck with it i suppose.  By the way i am in Australia.

  3. I'm from Long Island, I didn't lose power but my grandparents live a few blocks away from me and they lost power today for a little while and their phone service. Air conditioners is the reson that people are losing power.

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