
Eastenders jane??????

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who is she seeing in eastenders???




  1. She is going to a comedy open-mic night with Tamwar

  2. I'm wondering the same thing.

  3. I am so sure that that letter was from Grant.  He's coming back.

  4. hiya......i heard its a mysterious man if i find out more ill let you know

    here are some hollyoaks soap spoilers

    warren and mandy are pushed together :0

    niall kills kieron :0

    malachy and mercedes sleep together and she gets HIV from him :0

    elliot tells sara his a virgin : /

    kieron knows that niall is Myra's real son :0

    michaela continues to fantasise about mike :)

    craig returns

    john paul is then torn between two men

    steph sleeps with niall :0

    michaela writes to mike about her feelings for him :0

    calvin kisses someone on his stag nite :0

    the wedding mite be off :0 with carmel and calvin :(

    john paul and craig leave hollyoaks is it together though!!?

    malachy has a shocking confession= he has HIV :0

  5. dunno but after Ian surely anyone would put a smile on her face.  Even Grant!

  6. a L*****n knife wielding pole dancing escapee from Corries corner shop ? what with the all  6 question marks as your question is still sh*t but then again so is eastenders, jane is so rubbish she needs to shag grant to get  noticed she blends into the microwave  unless shes being shot she is boring!

    RIP wellard  missin you already! its ruff at the top



  7. i dont know

  8. I dunno:

    Some people have said going to comedy place with Tamwar.

    And others are saying she is seeing someone else.

  9. i reakon its some thing so silly like ballroom dancingor pole dancing at r and r and nothing to do with cheating thanks for hollyoaks spoilers i so hope thats true about marceades i hate that sluttty tart with a passion she deseves all she gets for hurting russ lol

  10. could be grant mitchell but i duno  
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