
Easy 10 points - Answer Me ! :]?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i've got a set of cards but i can't do anything with them.

Does anybody know any cool card tricks that are real easy to do ?

If so, spread the joy. If not, oh well.

Many thanks





  1. I shouldn't tell u this but i spread joy just like butter.

    Take the bottom card on the deck and flip it over. don't let any see.

    flip the deck back over and have someone pick a card and can't be the top or bottom card.

    while they're looking at their card, flip to the side of the deck with the upside down card.

    have them put it back in the deck and direct their attention somewhere so you can flip it over once again

    go through the deck and their card will be easy to find because it is turned the wrong way

  2. oh well

  3. ok..take 21 cards out of the deck. it's really simple,

    show ur friend all the  cards, and tell him to memorize it.

    make 3 piles of 7 cards.

    task:      ask ur friend if his card is in pile 1

    if not, then go to pile 2,

    if not, go to pile 3

    whichever pile, the card is, it must always be the pile in the middle when u put them all together again.

    now, without shuffling, make 3 piles of 7 again.

    repeat: task

    then put together all the cards with the pile in the middle

    repeat: task (must be done 3 times)

    Once, all done, count the cards by flipping them over until you have reached 11..If done right, the 11th card will be the one that ur friend picked out.

  4. How to prepare: get a normal pack of cards and take out 7 and 8 of hearts and the 7 and 8 of diamonds.

    Get the 7 of hearts and the 8 of diamonds and put one of them as the top card and one as the bottom.

    How to do the trick: give the 8 of hearts and 7 of diamonds to sum1 and ask them to put them anywhere in the pack but not at either end and not next to each other. drop all the cards except the 2 end 1's and show them that u magically held onto the 2 cards they put in the pack.

    Might not work with people with a brill memory!!

  5. why not try this links they are easy to do:


  6. ive got a ded gud 1 but i cant really write it all down.sorry

  7. Have you tried the Leicester shuffle?

    It's easy, This is how it works.

    Take half the pack and throw them away,

    Now you have less to shuffle......................

  8. step1 - look at the top card and write it on a piece of paper and give it to someone look after

    step2 - get someone to cut the cards in half

    step3 - place them on someones hands

    step4 - distract them (by saying something)

    step5 - tell them to look at the top card they have cut (but make them pick the top card from the start)

    step6 - tell them to remember it & put it back in

    step7 - then tell them to look at the paper

  9. Nice card trick tutorials:

    P.S. check related videos on the right side for more card tricks

  10. play some solitaire

  11. appering card is cool i guess my friend did on me and i was fooled

    Effect: A spectator picks a card out of a shuffled deck. You put it with three random cards, place the cards at the bottom of the deck, and shuffle. You take three cards from the bottom of the deck and ask the spectator if any of those are his. None are. These are laid on the table, one of the cards is flipped over, and the selection appears on the table.

    How It's Done:

    Ask a person to shuffle the cards and then choose one card. Have them give you the deck. Take three cards from the bottom. Tell the spectator to put their card on top of those three, then to place the four cards at the bottom of the deck.

    Shuffle the deck, but be sure to keep the four bottom cards in the same spot. (Editor's note: There are false shuffles explained on the Terminology Page.) Shuffle the cards a couple of times. Now take the first bottom card and place it face down on the table. Take the new bottom card and put it at the top of the deck. Place the other two bottom cards face down on the table. The last card you put down is the spectator's card. Be sure you have that card at the top of the tabled pile. Set the rest of the deck aside.

    Pick up the tabled cards. Square them up, and hold them so the spectator can see the face of just the bottom card. Ask if this is their card. They will say no. Lower the cards so they are in dealing position and quickly deal the top card (actually their card) onto the table. If you do this naturally, without comment, they will think you dealt the card you just showed them.

    Show them the top card from those in your hand, and ask if it is theirs. Again they will say no. Lay this card on the table. Finally, show them the last card in your hand and ask if it's the selection. When they say no, put this card onto the other two. Ask them what their card was. When they tell you, use the other two cards (like a spatula) to flip their card face up on the table. You have made their card appear!  

  12. look up indecent on Youtube. Its too long and complicated for me to explaine, but the main jist of it is you pick a card from the deck, but it back wherever you want, and then it appears in a bag of cards.

  13. Here's a cool, and easy card trick.

    Look at the bottom card and remember it. Now tell someone to pick a card. Then, after they memorize it, tell them to put it back on top. Now cut the deck. (Take the top half of cards and put them on the bottom) The card they picked will be to the right of the card you memorized in the beginning- The one that used to be the bottom one. (Which is now somewhere in the middle.)

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