
Easy 10 points -- For teens.?

by Guest34027  |  earlier

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What do you want to do with your life after school?

As in Career.


How old are you?


I think I want to be a chef at a 5 star hotel.

I love to cook.

I am actually really good at making italian things.

Or I want to do social services with adoption agencies.

I have always had a love for kids.

I want to help kids get away from the abusing homes they live in and get in nice homes.

I am 14 years old.




  1. I want to be a teacher.

    Because I love working with kids.

    I am 15.16 in 1 month:)

  2. I'd like to either be a teacher or a chef.

    I'm fourteen.

    I'd like to a 9th grade teacher because i know thats the hardest year for a lot of teens and i'd like to be able to help them.

    I'd like to be a chef because cooking is something i enjoy.

  3. im not a teen im 29 and a mom, i just wanted to say that i think it is great(wonderful) that you are thinking about what you are wanting to do in the future as a career.  those are actually great ideas. i give u two thumbs up. at least ur not 14 and thinking about s*x or getting pregnant like some other teens. good luck in your plans

  4. 1. I want to own a book store && also write books.

    2. I love to read. It's my favorite thing to do, it's like TV but you get decide what the people look like, and there are no bad actors! It's like I become the character I'm reading about.It's great.  and I want a book store so I can share the joy of books with others. Also, I want to write books, writing is my passion. It's what I do best in life. It's my god given talent, and I gotta use it! lol

    I am 13 almost 14.


    I hope you get to do what you want!  And if you end up being a social worker, that's gret!! you are helping kids who really do need help!! a star for you!!! *

  5. become a third or second grade teacher

    i think those kids are so adorable

    and it will make me feel good that i heped someone learn somethin new

    i am 13 year old

  6. I want to be a cook too =]

    i love making something out of nothing, and seeing what goes well with other stuff.

    I'm 12 years old

  7. I want to be a veterinarian.

    I'm 15 and I love working with animals.

    I'd love to devote my life to helping them and thier owners.

  8. Well im 18- after baby is born

    Im going to college for Early childhood education- I want to homeschool my baby. =]

    Also Vetrinarian- I love animals.

    If you like what you do- youll never have a job :)

  9. i want to be a doctor and go to places all over the world and put clinics there

    because i have always wanted to help lots of people and this is a way i think i will help the world become better

    im 13 years old

  10. Become a pediatric nurse. I love kids, and i've been through a-lot of medical issues, like other kids [maybe.] I love kids also. I totally agree with you with abusing homes. I am 13 years old.

  11. I am nineteen years old.

    When I get older, I want to be a translator of Spanish, and maybe French, too.  I love languages.  It is so satisfying to me to take a sentence in another language and translate it, and know what it means.  When I look at a paragraph in another language, and I can actually make sense of it, I feel good about myself.

    Also, when my kids are under 5, I want to be a stay-at-home-mom.  My parents were not hands-on, and I never felt like they loved me much.  I will not want to miss a day of their early lives.

    Your ambitions sound wonderful.  Good luck!

  12. i want to be a councler for abused kids so i can help them  cope or become a businness owner with my bffl

    well i would love abused kidds to cope and i wanna help them cause there very fragile

    i am 14

  13. Physciatrist cause I really want to help people or to be a police detective cause I want make a differance in the lives of people

  14. I want to be a Doctor's Assistant. They normally see the patient , are able to give prescriptions, but sometimes you have to go through the doctor before you diagnose something. most people see DA's and don't even realize it.

    Makes over 100,000 a year.

    I'm  15.

  15. I'm 13 years old, and determined to become a well known writer. I know I am good at writing, and I enjoy it very, very much. I will try to get a bunch of poems and short stories published into a book, and write novels. (I just started writing a novel about a month ago.) I want to be a writer because it helps me express myself, and release my thoughts and feelings.

    Great question, and good luck with cooking!


  16. Cosmetology, I want to do hair and make-up for theater or photography. I have always loved doing the hair and make-up for the school plays.16

  17. im 16 and want to try to become a professional drummer(probably not gonna happen)..

  18. Broadcast Journalism

    I love writing and working with people


  19. i've wanted to be alot of things in the last 16 years

    but as of now i only have 3 things i ant to do


    a fire fighter because i think it would be amazing to fell like a hero everyday, and have everyone look up to you !

    flight attendent becasue i think it would bealot of fun to meet all differnt  types of people, im a real people person as well so i think it would be an intresting job

    nascar driverrr, just casue it would be soo cool,

    and i need a job to look forward to & this is defiintally one i would love

  20. design websites or something with like inventing medicine

    im 14

  21. I want to become an author, maybe a childrens author, because i love writing, & i would want to illustrate the books too, because i love to draw.

    or i want to become a 1st or 2nd grade teacher, because i love kids, and i think it would be so much fun to be able to teach them.

    I'm 14.


  22. i wana be a veterinarian or pediatrician

    cus i luv animals n lil kids =]

    im 13

  23. I want to be a peditrician or a teacher. Mainly because I really love kids, and I thnk that those are two ofthe most important jobs in the world.  A teacher is able to teach and edcuate kids and give htem the knowledge their going to need to succeed and thats amazing. A peditrician because I love kids, lol and I've always been interested in medcine. As a peditrician you can save someones life, thats amazing. & I;m 13

  24. i want either to be a pediactric nurse or an interior designer

    more so leaning towads being a nurse

    the nurse i want because i love kids, and helping others, plus its a job thats always gonna be needed.

    the interior designer because i just enjoy matching htings together lol

    im 16

    i have such a high respect for the people of social services. their job never really ends, they never really get off of work like a 9-5 job. they really make the world a better place

  25. I want to be some sort of psychologist. I've always loved helping people and giving advice. Maybe also a forensic anthropologist, which studies bones and helps the FBI. I'm fourteen too.

  26. i would absolutely completely love to be an ultrasound technician...

    why?: i adore children especially new borns & toddlers!!

    i am 14 years old!! ( in high school! skipped one grade when i was in 3rd grade )

  27. I want to go to Parsons school of design and become a fashion designer because I love art and drawing, and I also love fashion and design.


    I want to become a psychologist because I love social sciences and the human mind, and I like helping people with their problems.

    I'm 14 too.

  28. I'm 15 and I want to be an astronomer. I absolutely love learning about space. =DDD I know one day I'd like to go into space but I'd never be brave enough to do so.

  29. Maybe a Spanish translator or a music teacher...

    I love music and languages

    I'll be a junior in high school....

  30. I want to become a cosmotologist

    I love playing with peoples hair and telling them what to do to make it look cute.

    I am 16 years old.

  31. A clown.

    I can't really think of what else to do, so I will be a clown. :)

    I'm fifteen.

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