
Easy 10 points about my jupiter in capricorn?

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my sun is in leo, my moon is in aries, my asc. is in leo, my mars is in scorpio, and my jupiter is in capricorn, the question is what does my jupiter mean, i know that the mars is more about sexuality, but what does the jupiter in cap mean, 10 points for the best answer, not the worst, and not for people who hate the question, or dont believe in horoscopes................




  1. As others have noted, this placement in Capricorn is supposed to be not so good of a sign for Jupiter. I've generally found that is not true in the studies I've done. Jupiter in Capricorn people seem to know they will have to struggle through a lot of hard work, but this seems to make them even more determined to succeed. There is a very strong drive for power and recognition, as well as for success and wealth. People with Jupiter in Capricorn believe in themselves, and there is no "can't".

    In his book "A Time for Astrology", Jess Stearn says that this placement indicates a person who is on his way to climbing the ladder to success in his chosen field of interest. He studied several astrologers for writing his book, and then he did his own private studies. He says, "If you know a person with Jupiter in Capricorn, I strongly advise to never stand in their way."

  2. Jupiter (to expand) in Capricorn (Prudent and Reserved)

    You are able to expand in areas related to business, and may be able to turn a small advantage (Capricorn) into something big (Jupiter). The tendency  to be over-optimistic or to gamble (Jupiter) is controlled (Capricorn) to some extend so that success (Jupiter) can be steady (fixed sign). There may be a human side to management and business. You are big hearted and honest. However, there can be problems (Jupiter in fall) such as being careful over the pennies and spending the pounds like crazy, or making money (Capricorn) and giving it away, or otherwise spending it (Jupiter).

    Love & Blessings


  3. its mostly about your personality.

  4. Capricorn is Jupiter's debilitation sign. Check the exact degree of Jupiter. If it is at 5 degrees it is TERRIBLE. The closer it is to five degrees, the worse is the debilitation. If jupiter is more than 5 degrees into Capricorn, the debilitation is significantly relieved the further away from 5 degrees Jupiter is.

    Jupiter represents, basically, FAITH. A debilitated Jupiter means you have challenges trusting or having faith in matters connected with the specific house of Capricorn. For example, fallen Jupiter in Capricorn in the 7th House means you will be very jealous and untrusting of your partners and wife. Etc.

  5. Jupiter points to where you will grow and expand your awareness in this life. Think of experiences where your whole concept of the world expanded to include a whole new set of awareness. For some it's due through higher education or exposure to different cultures or philosophy. Jupiter can also refer to the business or profession you aspire as a means of showing your enthusiasm and involvement as a member of society by playing a meaningful role in a bigger social fabric.

    Having Jupiter in Capricorn brings the serious intent and solid determination of Capricorn into Jupiter's influence. It blends the optimism and excitement of Jupiter with a shrewd and strategic realism, more cautious, but more skilled at achieving goals. The deeper challenge of Capricorn is not only in achieving just any goal, but rather achieving something that you believe in and are proud of.

    Having both your Sun and Moon in fire signs adds a tremendous amount of creativity and boldness to your basic nature. The placement of Jupiter in Capricorn adds the challenge of earth to the balance. Now you must decide how to put your inspiration and willingness to take risks to practical focus in the real world. By using this energy effectively, you could develop the solid leadership based on the cold objectivity and relentless determination of Capricorn to achieve respect and recognition, not only from other people, but from yourself as well.

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