
Easy 10 points any experianced skateboarder would know!!!?

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my skateboard is brand new and i put it together myself i know a bit about skateboarding and all the pieces and moves but i dont know is about how to stop it from squeking. everytime i ride it squeks it is only 2 days old but is it always gonna squek or am i just breaking it in and does it matter if my skateboard is completly even cause mine is like just a tiny tiny bit off . but wat should about the squeking, i have already tried and re arange the trucks and stuff but they still squek.

please help




  1. you can use wd-40 that will take away any problems about squeaking.... on other wd-40 will attract dirt and eventually build up....if it is your bearing squeaking you can by a bearing speed cream

  2. wd-40

    or just break it in...when i first got my board it did that too...=]

  3. it's deffinatly the bushings, happens all the time you get new stuff and of course it squeeks, wd-40 on bushings won't hurt anything or try some lithium grease that really helps. being off won't hurt anything it's hard to get everything perfect. You can also try just tightning up the bushing first to break them in quicker and then that will get ride of the squeeking, but not always you may still need to put something on them. Just so you know some bushings never stop squeeking you either get use to it or go nuts and buy new ones.

  4. wd40

  5. okay in my younger years and before i was a mummy i played a bit,

    the squeak is it comming from the jammer rubber that fits between the board and the trucks?

    if so you can remover the rubbers and dip them quick in boiling water then re fit them while hot, take care not to burn your handys

    you can buy gasket sealent in a tube from car shops,

    it looks like tooth paste in a tube and meant to seal leaks on cars, but you can remove the rubbers under the trucks and spread a very thin lair of this stuff on the the rubber, both sides and re fit

    if the squeak is coming from the the truck strut that fits into the rubber, the bit with no bolt, the sticking out bit that goes into the rubber,

    remove the not and slip the axle out and pop a bit a greease under the rubber end and in the rubber end where the axle strut sticks out also greese the rubber spaces on the axle stem that fit into the base of the truck  re place all the washers and re fit

    regards x kitti x

  6. Your bushings are doing that. Ventures have the best bushings cuz they're soft and they don't squeak. If it's annoying you, get some softer bushings like... well I hear Shorty's doh-doh are one of the softest.

  7. squeeking is the msot annoying problem most of us have with out boards. Sometimes it'll never go away no matter what you do but lossening or tightning things is always the best way. Sometimes to break in your bushings you tighten them up so they break in quicker, if your boards turns easily then they're not to tight and this is not the cause of the squeeking, it's most likly the bushings, lubing them up with lithium grease is a good bet to get rid of squeeky bushings. if it's something else like your bearings then just a simple cleaning and lube should work they're are many quick methods of do that, just don't ever use wd-40 as a lube for your bearings it leaves a residue that collects dirt and dust which is what kills bearings. It could also be the trucks bolts that are attached to the board it's self, sometimes these squeek, tighten them up. If nothings helps and it's the bushing you can always get new ones and it may or may not go away.

  8. New bushings will do that. I always used some graphite powder to take the squeak out, but it doesn't really affect the performance of the board or trucks. I've had the same bushings for years and they still squeak.

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