
Easy 10 points if you know German conjugations?

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Ok, so i'm starting to study German with an online course. The course lists the three present conjugations - regular (-e, -st, -t...), "to have" verbs (habe, hast, hat...) and "to be" verbs (bin, bist, ist...). I'm having trouble understanding where you add on the regular ending versus where you use the "to be" endings.




  1. You add the regular endings on all the regular verbs.

    To be (sein) is an irregular verb.

  2. Here is what my interpretation of an answer to your qeustion is.

    Conjugations examples:

    Ich habe(ends with e)

    Du hast(with -st)

    Er hat(with -t)

    So "to be" in German is "sein"

    Ich bin (I am)

    du bist (you are)

    er/sie ist (he is)

    sie sind (they are)

    ihr seid (you are(plural))

    wir sind (we are)

    I actually learned to forms of "sein" in a song.

  3. ha! perfect question fr me as i am 100% german and speak it every day at home.

    i dont think there is like a "rule" of where u add this or that becuase i believe they are irregular verbs such as spanish does and the only way to know them is to remmeber them.

    Ich habe    -i have

    Du hast-  you have

    er/sie/es hat-   he/she/it have

    wir haben  -we have

    Ihr habt- you have

    Sie (formal) haben

    Ich bin- I am

    Du bist- You are

    er/sie/es ist-he/she/it are

    wir sind-we are

    ihr seid-you are

    sie sind-you are

    as u can see english is much easier to learn since the endings hardly ever change...thumbs up for ya, i bet its real hard to learn german.

    i have heard it is,hard for me to say since i grew up speaking it.

    good luck to you

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