
Easy 10 points????????????

by  |  earlier

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ok the sony ericsson walman pink refurb i got in the mail today and its so cool but.... how do u put the phone on silent plz tell me how to put the phone on silent / o and if possible how do u add music to it




  1. add music by connecting it to you pc which will use it as a removable disk.

    to add ringtones you can use and sedn them to your phone.

    to put it on silent menu-> sound profiles or hit the ringer down button until it vibrates and goes to silent

  2. just hold the number key for a few seconds to put it on silent mode. do the same thing to put it back to normal mode. to add music, connect your phone to the computer open the MP3 folder and just drag and dro music to it... you can also use the "disk to phone" thing thap comes in the cd that comes with the phone.

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