
Easy 10 points! who owns a shelter animal?

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whats their sad story?




  1. i dont even have a pet

  2. I own 2 shelter pups, and we rescued one of my horses, I've also boarded a pup for a while, before we could get her to the shelter.

    My two dogs, are Shiloh, And Star. their both mixed breeds, Shiloh's timid, as to where Star is quite the outgoing dog.

    We found them because our Great Perinese was getting old, and he had a tumor, so we went to the shelter, and asked how these two dogs got in there. at the time there names were

    Missy-Star, Nina-Shiloh

    "Missy", and "Nina" were left abanded in an empty house with no food, no water, no human, supposedly, it was the house owners boyfriend's dogs, but she left, and left them for 5 days with no food or water, Animal control said the dogs had tried to rip open a bag of dog food.

    They later tried to contact the onwers, but the owner never called to retrive them, so we fostered for a week, then adopted them. This year will be Shiloh's first year of 4-H, and Maybe stars, the dogs are now 3 years old, and have a few acres to run on. Shiloh is terrified of Thunder, so she comes inside a lot.

    Now for my story on my horse Cirrus-

    My dad was a Pilot for Continental Airlines, once when he came back fro ma flight, we went to the auction, and bought my horse Cinnamon, who was 1 or 2 years old, and later that night, I was asleep when he bought her, we bought Mystic, who was 10 years old.

    I rember falling asleep with my head in my dads lap, then waking up to see the stadiums empty, and my dad goes."We just bought a horse!"

    I was all "Yeah, I know"

    And he's all "No, you were asleep"

    "No I wasn't! You bought the little red one!"

    "Yeah, and I bought another!"


    "No really I did! It's a big black horse!"

    "Oh yeah? Wehre is she?"

    "We have to go pay for her then get her"

    Sure enough, he had bought a big black horse to match our litte red filly.

    We lived content with them for a while, but then my mom wanted a horse, Cinnamon was for me, Mystic was for my dad.

    So while he was on a layover he asked some friends of ours to take my mom to the auction, and find a good horse.

    My mom found one, that she LOVED she decided to name her Passion, but as our friends were walking her up the driveway she started coughing, they didn't think much of it.

    After my dad got back 5 days later, he offered grain to her, she refused it. Within two days, we called a vet, the vet came twice a day, for 5 days, then finally said"Theres, nothing I can do for her, I don't know whats wrong, she's not going to make it"

    I rember my dad nodding at him, and I rember screaming

    "No! You can't kill her!"

    But he took several needles, told me to look away, stuck them in and jumped out of the way, I rember hearing the Slam of her body hittign the ground, I ran off crying, sobbing and sobbing and sobbing, later we caleld someone to come tow her away, that just made it worse, he threw a rope around her neck, stuck it to a crane type thing and dragged her on, I was bursting in tears after that.

    Later that night, my dad lit the areana on fire to kill all the germs, that was one of the saddest nights of my life, smoke was everywhere, fire was crackeling everywhere, the air was thick and heavy, terrible terrible night.

    We ended up Spending 4,000 dolalrs on Passion

    My dad called the guy who sold her to us, and told him, he sold us a sick horse tht he garunteed sound.

    So the guys said

    "Alright, I have another horse for you, come take a look at her"

    He through a lead rope and halter on her, and put his four year old daughter on her, as it turns out Cirrus looked a lot like Passion.

    After the guy got his daughter off, we said we'd take her, so we loaded her into the trailer and hauled her away, they had called her "Socks" at the time because she has 3 white stockings, and one al lbrown leg.

    It was cloudy that day, so we decided to name her Cirrus, like the cloud.

    Cirrus used to have a clubbed foot, so we fixed it, but she still has a kicking problem, mainly because she was abused before.

    We've worked with her for several years on kicking now, she's better but not completely.

    I started riding her, and she used to never go for me, I had to have my trainer help me. She also used to bite my foot, and I'd never be able to get her bit in.

    Later that year, Cirrus became my horse, I rode her every day, Bareback, saddled haltered, with a bit, everything, and she listend. Cirrus became my baby, my favorate horse, my only horse that I truly loved.

    But my mom didn't trust her, because of her kicking, so we traded her to the camp next to us, for an old plot horse, Chief, Chief was almost blind, and didn't work for us, I prayed every night, that I would get Cirrus back, while she was at the camp they called her Georgia.

    I hated that name, I refused to call her that, she was my horse, and my parents had choosen to take her away from me.

    Finally they decided to brign her back, I was so happy to have her home!

    Last year she became my 4-H project, we did terrible, but it was our first year.

    This year, we did, Western, Gymkona, Working Ranch horse, and over all got Reserve Champion.

    Just a few weeks ago, we were practicing barrels, and she took a terrible spill, head over heels, throwing me to the side, she crashed down on her face, I was mortified, I wasn't injured at all, but she hurt her teeth, and her back, she did well in fair though, almost made it to Round Robin.

    I've learned that you need to love what you have, you can't just ignore them, because they could leave you in a second!

    Through all the Chaos of cirrus getting messed up, I started to work with my baby horse, who is now 5, cinnamon, and I put my mind to it, now I can get on Cinnamon Bareback, Cinni has a backing problem though, all she does is back,  When we're in a ring, I can walk, trot, and lope her, sometiems even do a pattern or two.

    Two years ago we bought Two more horses, Skye and Walker, when I was riding skye once, he threw me, I got bucked off, and nearly stepped on, I got the wind knocked out of me, Bruised and strained my back, and got a minor concussion, however, I'm stil lridign today, and Skye went to training up in Fort collins.

    I hope these were semi- entertaining!

    I enjoyed telling them!

    To find more stories about me and my life, and pets email me at

    Hope you enjoyed!

  3. My dog is from the shelter, his mom was pregnant and she was abused she had her puppies and the neighbor reported the owner for animal abuse. Them shelter came and rescued my dog's mom him and his brothers and sisters, I could only adopt one, but of I could have I would have adopted them all. Now I own a beautiful corgi cattle mut named Ozzy.

  4. i do. my dog casper. what happened to him is the ASPCA found him behind a abandom house. he was so skinny you could see his bones. it took him 5 weeks to recover. How i found all this out is i get all my pets from my local ASPCA shelter. and when i saw him come in so skinny. i waited till he was well. i donated and prayed he would be ok so i could help him start a new life. he is 10 now. oh ya he was only 2 when they found him.(at least they think that). and he is healthy as can be. hes friendly and sweet.

  5. my kitty is from the pound!

    I don't know her sad story but I do have a funny story :)

    I had a mouse problem and my landlord wasnt helping. My dad said get a cat to scare them for awhile. I didnt want a cat but I didnt want mice either so I went to the shelter to get one! I was going to return her the next week after shed done her job. they only had a few kittys and they all had something wrong with their eyes :( their eyes had gunk in them it was gross. Except my Zoe, so i bought her! And then fell in love with her! We are best friends! haha! Shes very loyal and fun and Im glad I ended up with her!

  6. i work at one and i have a kitty and a laberdoddle. my kitty was found in a forest by some boys who were just playing around. Riley, my kitty, was cut badly and her tail was on the verge of falling off. the boys took her to the vet/pound where they got her all fixed up! as soon as i saw her i knew i wanted her to be mine! and my laberdoddle, Bruce, has a missing back left leg. he is the cutest thing! no one really nos but we are assuming he was run over by a car and is previous owners didnt want to have to care for a dog with 3 legs. so they just let him go. he was found under a bridge with a serverly broken leg. (which they had to amputate or they would have put him asleep.) once i heard his story i wanted him! i was able to buy him a "fake" leg... but he doesnt seem to like it all the much. he can function like almost any other dog with a few limitations!! Riley and Bruce are both great pets who help me get through every day! i look at what they had to go through and realize what i am going through isnt that bad!

  7. I own two. My pitbull I've had for two years now and he was found abused in a field, he's perfectly fine now. I got a rat terrior mix earlier this year, in march. She was found in a box as a puppy in Alabama, we rescued her and brought her back to Pennsylvania. Shes still often scared of new people and loud noises. She hides a lot and won't even come by some of my family members most the time, but gets along with the pitbull.

  8. i got a cat from a group that rescues cats who have been abandoned. my cat was only 3 weeks old when they found him.  i love him!

  9. not me =/

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