
Easy 10 points!Do I have everything down for my 30 gallon marine tank?

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Fish: 3 blue legg hermit crabs, 1 ocellaris clownfish(my mom said I can have only one), 1 yellow clown goby, 1 blue damselfish(gonna be introduced to the tank last)1 peppermint shrimp, 2 turbo snails, and 40lbs. of live rock

Decor: Top fin Stone Cave with Snails Aquarium Decor, Top fin Rocks with Coral and Plants Ornament, Top fin Rose Coral Aquarium Ornament, Top fin Barrels with Barnicales, Top fin Barrels Aquarium Ornament with Airstone,3 Top fin Plastic Plant Variety pack- Blue,Purple, yellow, and CaribSea Seaflor, Special Grade Reef Sand

Food: Mysis Shrimp and Dried Seaweed

Maintenance: Aqua Clear Power Filter, 1 Top Fin Powerhead, Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix, Seaclone Protein Skimmer, Red Sea Hydrometer w/ Digital thermometer, and Top Fin Gravel Vacuum (mini)




  1. I guess so. I've never had a salt water tank before.

  2. Sounds perfect

  3. Seems good to me  shame you could only have one clown   but mums know best don't they  lol

  4. this is not easy

    its like the most un-easy thing ever!

    you lied

    yeah i think you have everything

  5. perfection

  6. clown fish are  a type of damsel, if I were u i would not put plain damsel  in tank just go with two clowns in long run will be much better off. Plus i would not add plastic plants. Since u are going to have live rock really no use for other fake decorations too hard to clean.

  7. the clownfish cant be in the same tank as a dameselffish

  8. sounds like it! Your fish are gonna have fun!

  9. I think everything looks good

  10. Don't forget live sand.

    I would up the cleaning crew. The common recommendation is one snail per 1-2 gallons, and one hermit crab per 3-5 gallons.

    I recommend a cleaner shrimp (will get along fine with the peppermint shrimp) and an emerald crab too.  Emerald crabs are awesome.

    Make sure you add this stuff in the proper order, and give the system the few months it will need to go through it's various algae blooms and become stable before adding fish.  CUC can be added as soon as the nitrogen cycle is stable.

    Personally, I'd dump the fake decorations and take that same money and see what I could get for moderate-light corals (zoas, mushrooms, etc).

    I saved some money on live rock and got some tufa rock for the base rock.  It provides lots of holes and caves, and it will go live in time.

    I would skip the damsel.  Damsels are the devil incarnate, really nasty tempered, especially as they get bigger.  While the clownfish will be able to handle itself, the damsel will pick on your goby.

    I would get a sixline wrasse instead (and add him last), they are active, fun fish that are always exploring.

    With a 30 gallon, you have room for at least one more fish, if not two.

    I really recommend pairing the clownfish.  Clownfish pairs display very interesting behavior. And maybe add a firefish or something.

    I don't understand why your mother won't let you get two clownfish.  If she's envisioning a tank full of babies, she can be at ease.  Breeding clownfish requires specific conditions, and even if they do breed, you have predators in the tank.  You'd be lucky to have one baby survive predation and that is if you make a deliberate effort to protect the eggs and babies.

    If you change her mind and are able to get a pair, get them both at the same time, and make sure one is a little smaller than the other (maybe 2/3rds the size, but no smaller than that).  This will set the dominance factor for them so they don't have to fight over who's going to be the female.

    Dont forget the heater (I recommend a Stealth, and you can get them cheap at That Pet Place online).

    If there's any chance the tank will go much above 80 degrees, you'll need a chiller, too.

  11. It sounds like a really good set-up

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