
Easy 10 points!!!What saltwater fish medication is safe for inverts?

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I just wanna know because in a year or two I will start a saltwater tank with inverts and I don't wanna go through the stess of taking them out if my fish have ick




  1. actually there is a medication that is REEF SAFE and good at removing marine ich or odium.

    it is rather expensive but it is

    not often used but i have used it in my reef tank with alot of success. not copper based which would kill everything, it has an odor of salad dressing.

    But this is 100% effective for reefs.

  2. Saltwater Ick is a different bug than freshwater. If you keep your tank at about 80 degrees you should be rather safe. Most medicines have copper and this is lethal for invertebrates. Not good for your fish either, they store it and it doesn't breakdown. I had saltwater fish for 15 years and only had one or two cases. Be careful when you buy your fish and if you suspect they are sick stay clear no matter how bad you want that fish.  

  3. NONE of the PROVEN marine Ich treatments are invert safe.  If you want something invert safe with no evidence of efficacy, Kick Ich is your "medication", if you can call it that (I call it "scam").  For tanks with inverts, quarantining is essential, as you can use true meds (copper, formalin, quinine sulfate, etc.) without any danger.  Also, freshwater dips are very effective, but just as stressful, often leading to future infection of a different time in the weakened fish.

    EDIT: 80* will do NOTHING to kill or prevent the parasite-- it will merely speed up the parasite's life cycle, allowing it to reproduce and infect other fish far more quickly!

    EDIT 2: No organic medication (like Reef Stop) can be considered 100% effective as they are so heavily effected by the environment.  Anything from temperature, to light, to salinity, to pH can reduce or increase its toxicity with dramatic results, rarely good.  In fact, Reef Stop does not even kill the parasites, it just irritates the fish to produce more mucus, which acts as a preventative, eventually causing the fish's skin to slough off, shedding the parasites with it.  That just means the parasites are back in the substrate, ready to reinfect the fish.

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