
Easy 10 points!dark armed dragon deck!?!?

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why do u need 2 send ur own cards 2 the graveyard in a DAD deck?




  1. you need 3 dark in the grave to summon DAD ... if you have (at least) 1 DAD on the field then you can keep discarding darks to give it "fuel" ... eg. opponent has 6 cards on the field, summon DAD, use effect to destroy 3 of their cards, activate D-draw, D-draw, Trade-in, discarding 2x any destiny hero and 1x dark level 8 (eg, zerato or plasma), then destroy last 3 on opponents side of the field (and have some fresh cards in hand)

  2. The person above me is some what right almost all the Dark Monsters from Phantom Darkness have the same Effect as DAD.

  3. Its the only way to summon DAD because the dark monster in your graveyard is remove to summon him.

  4. Because DAD need card from graveyard to be summoned  (graveyard > Out of play and then you can summon him)

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