
Easy 10 pts. Please answer! Parents not pulling through with rules

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I'm a teenager and my parents always tell us to do stuff that they can easily do. Today I was doing dishes. RULE: Rinse of all dishes when you are done with dish(es). My sisters and I always do that and other stuff they tell us to do but, my parents seem not to pull through with the chores. I just don't get it. Am I missing something here??

Please answer and help!!




  1. Your parents are trying to teach you to be better than they are. That's how all parents are. Mine were like that when I was growing up also, and now I rinse my dishes (or make my husband :) ) before putting them away.

    They do know what is best, for the most part, even if they don't practice it.

    The best advice is to just listen to them, and make them think that they are right. They will be proud, and one day, they will come to YOUR house, put their dishes in the sink, and you can say "In MY house, we rinse them off first!!"

  2. well, your parents pay the bills.  when i was a teenager i had an outburst against my parents while they were telling me to do stuff while they sat on their butts.  they pay the bills, they put the roof over your head.  i agree that it doesn't feel fair, but when you are a bit older you will see they are not trying to be mean.  someday your boss will walk around and tell you what to do while they do nothing.  there will be nothing you can do about it without being fired.  just grin and bear it, you will make it through all right.  

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