
Easy 10pts. because I don't know what he means.........?

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My good guy friend always send me text messages. Every time he sends it , it goes something like this: " I want to bother you, I need to ask you something and No it's not asking you to marry me lol". Would guys do that to ordinary female friends or is there something behind this.




  1. He's flirting with you and is testing the waters to see how you respond to his careful advances..

  2. you friend could be really flirty. but it can also be that he wants to slowly see how you would react to him saying those things, because maybe he has a secret crush on you, but just continue to respond to him as u would usual but if it gets to the point where you need to draw the line if it makes you feel uncomfortable, confront him with it and ask him.

  3. Sounds like he wants to be more then friends, next time he sends something like that text him back saying "I don't want you to bother me unless its about marriage " and see what he says after that? Nice to play games for a little while.

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