
Easy 2 points!! Please help =)?

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I need to interview my new teacher for my newspaper.

What are some good/creative questions to ask her?

She's going to be the new newspaper supervisor.




  1. Ask her what her favorite section in the newspaper is.

  2. how long have you been teaching?

    what is your experience in new paper writing/editing?

    what could you do to improve the newpaper?

  3. Whats the worst thing a student has ever done 2 u or in class?

    Whats the stupidest question a student has ever asked you?

    What do you hate most about ur job?

    What do u love most about being a teaher?

    ohhh an ask these too

    Is ur lipgloss popin?

    Can u go dummy in the club?

    lol :]

  4. has teaching always been your passion

    what did you do before you came here

    what were your favorite classes in school? which classes did you like...did you hate?

    what one thing our school has that you wish you had at your school

    who was your school's rival schools?

    if you could eat lunch with any one famous throughout history and why

    who's your role model? why?

    if you had one wish , what would it be?

    hope that helped though! please answer mine, it'd really help;...

  5. do you think being good at school leads to success? if yes how do explain the fact that people like edison, gates were drop outs?  

  6. what is her background in news and newspapers

    what does she aim to do with the class and the newspaper

    where is she from, what does she do for fun ect

  7. how old are you???/

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