
Easy Maths Question!!!! ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so today in a little mental maths quiz, there was a question, it said:

Circle which object that would hold one litre.

A) Cup

B) Spoon

C) Bottle

D) Bucket

What's the answer? Well i said D because a bucket will hold one litre.. but not all bottles will. The answer was C according to the ultra-cranky teacher but i disagree.. what do you think? Bucket or Bottle?.. or Spoon..




  1. The wording should have been " exactly 1 liter". A bucket can hold even more.

  2. your question is not so proper . its not answerable question  

  3. if i would i wouldn't say a bucket .i would have said a bottle

  4. Well, all of them could be correct, You could have a giant spoon or a giant cup. you COULD have a small bucket which wouldn't hold a litre. In multiple choice, it's always the MOST CORRECT answer... so I guess the answer has gotta be bottle.

  5. I hope this was a thought question to get you thinking and not a question to influence your grade.    A bottle is the object that will, most likely hold close to exactly one litre.  

    However if the question were worded which object most

    likely hold at least one litre, it would be a bucket as it

    usually hold a gallon to 10 gallons, which is 3.8 to  38 litres

    and a litre is slightly more than a quart and one litre and 2 litre bottles are common, but so are 500 ml and 750 ml bottles.  

           This is not a clear question for purposes of testing and grading.  I would never give a question such as this for grading, I have a fair question guarantee when I give tests.    That guarantee is


            Any question used for determining your grade will have a clear unambiguous answer.   If  the answer to any of my questions is not clear and unambiguous based upon what you should have learned, and a correction to that question is not announced while the test is in progress ,the points assigned to that question are awarded for free.      

    ======================================...        That assures justice to my students if through an inadvertent mistake, I place a poorly worded question on

    one of my quizzes or tests and provides me an incentive to

    make sure my  questions are fair.

            A question such as this is great for getting you to think

    in class and form the concept of what a litre is.  That would be verbally asking the question and asking students to volonteer answers while in class teaching.   However

    as a graded question, it would not be fair on a test.

  6. bucket for same reason

    your teacher must be on crack

  7. Both would hold one liter and the bucket could hold more. The question should have been worded differently.

    Bet your teacher you can drop an egg 3 feet with out breaking it. Then drop it 4 feet. Hey it didn't break at 3 feet.  

  8. Spoon and cup are definitely out. Since there are several sizes of bottles, I would have to agree with you and say that D is the safe answer.

  9. I agree with the teacher that C is the answer considering holding as containing it very handy.

  10. it depends on the size of the bucket as well. But I must agree with your teacher. The bottle obviously and the spoon was a ridiculous choice cancel out lmao  

  11. No the teachers right, a bucket holds well over 1 litre (but you could argue because both bottles and buckets come in many different sizes)

  12. I would say a BOCTLE,and the war is over.

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