
Easy Peasy Riddle!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

by  |  earlier

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a plane is flying from usa to brazil.......the plane crashes on the border ofmexico and the USA.........120 ppl r dead..........where r the ssurvivors buryed.......mexico of the USA




  1. Under the sky !!!!

  2. the answer is they arent buried survivors dont get buried

    my friend told me this one long long ago

    but i was thinkin now they can get buried so as yu last sentence said - mexico of the usa


  3. survivors arent buried dumBa$$



  4. survivors survive not be buried

  5. survivors are buried, corpses are

  6. they don't bury survivors.

  7. They aren't buried, they're still alive

  8. the survivors rnt buried

  9. survivors arent buried

  10. you weren't joking when you said this was "easy peasy", duhh, they aren't buried cos there not dead - there survivors! haha:L

  11. All over the pacific

  12. An old-fashioned celtic burial would be ideal here, bury the bodies in mexico, take the hearts to be buried back in the usa. Gruesome but practical :D

  13. They're not buried- they're survivors.  

  14. Was chuffed with myself when I got the answer, but saw that someone beat me to it.  The SURVIVORS would not be buried

  15. hmmm if i answer survivers arnt buried will i get the 10 points even though theres about 10 answers the same before me???? lol :)

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