
Easy Reptile to Own?

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So I moved into a new place, and I want to get a reptile for my room. I think that I'm leaning towards a lizard. I've had Ball Pythons before, and I'm not against getting one of them, but I kinda want to try something new. What would be easy to own, and something that I can handle? (I don't want a pet that isn't going to like me holding it) Looking around, I seem to see a lot of recomendations for Bearded Dragons. I also don't want a tiny little thing like an anole, or a snake thats going to get to be 7 feet long. Just looking for peoples opnions who have a lot of experience with these things.




  1. Bearded dragons are easy to own.. idefinatley reccomend you get one... they are really calm and you can hold them..they dont move very much...Some bearded dragons wont drink water so you have to spray them with a spray bottle of water a couple times a day... you only have to feed them once or twice a week

  2. bearded dragons r ok pets my friend has 2 they get along and there both males but when it comes to being handled they get a little frantic i wouldn't want to take my chances and accidently drop one and hurt it by it skimming around i would suggest a crested gecko there bigger then anoles < i had 2 green anoles but they died :( i miss them     but the crested gecko can live up to 11 years with good health  they eat same as any other lizard or gecko would eat worms,crickets,grasshopers, < dead or alive i recomend u get a brand called ZOO MATE or Zoo somehting pritty sure its ZOO MATE becouse most of there food is sealed packed so u know for sure there  dead lol and the ectoskeleton is soft and moist < ew lol so it will be better for ur lizard to digest < lizard or gecko i recomend these for almost any reptial lol  u can use a 20 or bigger gallon tank for 1 or 2     2 mite be a bit crowded though  u should have bark or some moist type of bedding and a log or 2 for hiding, sleeping, and playing some branches for exersice, and playing  a food dish and a water dish   a lamp with a bulb that gives off those HVB rays HV something idk lol or mabey a rock heater those little rocks that can heat up and ur reptial can bask while thel ight is shining down lol or a under tank heater < :)    o u may also want to keep a little spray bottle next to it i spray my crested geckos my corn snake my bearded dragon and my skinks cage 3 times a day just fill it wit some water like bottled water thats wat i use and give it a little spray  another great reptial is a skink basicly the same thing for a crested gecko only it mite need a bigger tank if u need any info on the 3 crested gecko, bearded dragons, or skins u can email me at

    hope i sorta kinda helped  

    vote me best answer lol!!! YAY GOOD LUCK

  3. Leopard geckos are awesome little lizards that get to be about 8 inches (big enough to be a handful but small enough they cant hurt you). They can live out their lives in a 10 gal tank, don't need all the fancy UVB bulbs that bearded dragons and iguanas need, and can live for 20 years with proper care.

  4. veiled chameleons can be handled(ive even seen someone walking around with one on his shoulder) and they are fairly hardy, but they can get fairly expensive- be sure that you have all the required items

  5. I have a leopard gecko......

    He's a cool pet......I have mine in a 20 gallon tank (PLENTY of space)......

    Doesn't take much to keep him going.....Cool to look at....Easy clean up....Cheap food!!!

    Perfect reptile in my opinion!

  6. First, think about your finances, then consider your options. From your question, I can rule tortoises out, as I own one and she is a fiesty girl. But also fromyour question, animals, especially reptiles don't exactly like being handled. lizard wise, I can only see two options, a gecko,( preferably leopard) or a bearded dragon. I was going to get one about 2 years ago but I was put off by their life span, (10years). Have a looksee at something that can be handled quite often, is cheap and is easy to look after- a turtle I'm in the process of getting one, they are also d**n cute...  Your money, your call...

  7. I don't have a lot of experience with reptiles, but I'm sure your local pet store owner would! You should go there and ask for advice, and also browse and see what you COULD get. Please go to a local store if you do though, In my opinion they take better care of their animals then big pet store chains. But whatever. Good luck!

  8. It's hard to beat a bearded dragon for something you can handle and enjoy caring for.  They do have special needs requiring specific heat and lights and diet, but if you provide what is necessary, as well as good vet care to check for intestinal parasites, you'll have a great, interesting animal.  

    Fave site:

  9. I adore snakes and have own several ball pythons and other species. I like lizards too, and have interacted ow owned these as well.


    Snakes: These are small snakes, very easy to handle and make wonderful pets. Especially the Children's python. I have had one for a couple of months and I am enamoured.

    Rosy Boa

    Children's python

    Lizards: Bearded Dragon, Blue tongue Skink. Both take well to handling, and are decently sized. I preffer skinks, they can be as peaceful and easy to attach to as a small pup.
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