
Easy amp question?

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i got a kenwood kac-8402 720 watt amp 4 channel and i was woundering if it would make my 12 inch 1200watt sony explod subwoffer hit pretty hard plus im going to put my front speakers and my rears on it thanks




  1. It can't be done, you'd have to wire your speakers in to a 2Ohm load. I imagine your sub is dual 4Ohm coils, you you would create a uneven load on your amp. 2Ohm and 4Ohm, not a good thing.

    If you wired just the sub you could get 60W to each coil, or 120W total. You can't wire the sub in parallel as the amp is only stable down to 4Ohms bridged. This is all assuming you have a dual 4Ohm sub.

  2. I would probably go with another amp man. The 4 chan amp is not going to make the sub sound that good especially if your wanting to hook the speakers up to it also. Unless the sub has very low RMS 80-100, lol. If you hook the sub up to the amp, your going to either fry your amp or your going to be blowing fuses every 5 seconds. I'd either go with another amp or not hook the sub up at all! But the speakers are fine. I bet the speakers are going to sound incredible....depending on what speakers you have you might not even want the sub, lol.

  3. why post if its an easy question?

    and btw, its not going to be loud if you want to run (2) 12 inch subs plus front and rear deck speakers into just one 4-channel amp.

    the only way i see it possible to even sound ok, will be if the subs are very cheap which do not require alot of rms power. all the ohm loads are correct so the amp doesnt go into thermal/protect mode and doesnt blow fuses on the amp under a ohm load thats not stable. and... if the amp is strong enough to provide a decent amount of rms watts.

    imo, get one amp dedicated for the subs and leave that 4-channel for the other speakers. will be a better sound quality and louder..... ur tryin to run everything off one amp.. lmao dude.
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