
Easy peasy question....?

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Have your menstrual cycles ever changed lengths (once you got out of your early teens of course) ??? If so, what brought about the change??

Like they say that if an overweight woman eats healthily and loses weight, her cycles will become closer together and more regular, and they also say that putting on weight lengthens the cycle, a lot of exercise and becoming too underweight or overweight can make you miss them,

so has anything changed your cycles? made them shorter or longer or caused you to skip them?? thanks in advance.




  1. I always had kind of irregular periods before I had children. When my first child was 18 months I lost so much weight I didn't have a period for 9 months (and no I wasn't pregnant).

    After having my third baby they're the worst they've ever been. Really heavy and only a 21 day cycle.

  2. I got my period when I was 14 and when I was between 16-17 I didnt get my period for over a year and I was really scared.  I had ovarian cysts. (which were small enough they didn't need to be removed and they were not causing me any pain)  My Gyno put me on birth control and I have had them since.  I have notice if I take pain relievers in the begining of my period or right before it seems worse but my period seems to month it will be 3-4 days then others it will be the full 7.  

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