
Easy question 10 points?

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Giftedness?Easy question?

To the gifted children/teens out there :

Do you ever feel alone at school , especially around people of lesser ability or wish there were more gifted/higher ability pupils?

To everyone else:

Do you discriminate people for their "swotishness" or gift/cleverness?


To teachers:

Percentage of students that are gifted please.




  1. i feel alonde sometines

  2. gifted. GIFTED?! okay, first of all. that gifted and talented program sh*t. you can shove that up yours. that is the most ignorant name to call an advanced class. you should try calling it 102, 103, as the students move up the courses. because calling them 'higher ability' pupils, makes everyone, including the kids in that class, feel bad. I would know. I'm in a higher course class than the year of school i am. my school calls it honors. which isnt too bad compared to your 'gifted' kids class.

  3. everyone is 'gifted' its just that some children arent given the chance to find the passion that they have... and when these smart kids are pulled out and made example of... which they have every right to be if they have earned it... but sometimes it can have a negative effect on others because... whats the point your never going to be as good!! if you have an ability share it... help others learn

    why do some people discriminate people for their 'swotishness' well why do some people discriminate about other difficulties??

  4. As a Middle School Math teacher (in a very low income, gang infested area), I'll have two or three gifted students in a class of 25.

    There are always other students who want to tap into the gifted students' "gift" and I will ask those gifted ones to work with students who both require, and desire, the assistance that the gifted student(s) have to offer.  It not only helps those who want to learn more, but it makes the gifted students feel they have a purpose in their "giftedness."  

    It usually develops into very solid friendships between the gifted student(s) and those who desire their help.

    Putting kids into classes according to ability creates all sorts of social problems.

    Most schools haven't a clue what to do with gifted students.  My school, for example, had gifted students attend summer school (for the grade they were about to be promoted).  But the problem was, they were stuck in summer school classes with other students who were there primarily due to discipline or lack of interest issues.  I ended up calling the parents of those gifted students and told them their kids would be better off staying home and doing educational tasks on their own, like reading a book, improving computer skills, etc....  (Did I get into trouble for that one!) LOL

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