
Easy question easy 10 points?

by  |  earlier

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i have a math exam and its really imporatnt to me but im in the summer mood help me come back on track and study and get 10 points!




  1. Hahaha! I know how you feel!! What I usually do during finals (when it's nice out) is I bring my study materials outside and lay in the grass or on the patio or something in my bathingsuit and get a tan while I study! Its killing 2 birds with one stone :-). Good luck on your test!

  2. While relaxing,how 'bout trying to read your book?

    Just remember how important it is for you and remember the great outcome that comes from hardwork.

  3. when i want to make something interesting I download software on that subject. see if u can find sample quizzes on that topic.

  4. Think, meditate...and focus to that....

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