
Easy removable tattoo ink?

by  |  earlier

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is there a type of tattoo ink thats easier to remove? if so whats the name, does it cost more, and where are some places in phoenix that have it?




  1. Temporary tattoos they sell them at the Dollar store.

    Why would you get a tattoo knowing you plan to remove it? If I were you I would research Henna, it last anywhere from 3 weeks-2 months.

  2. Hmmmm. You want to pay to get a tattoo, then pay to have laser removal? Why?

    Well, it just sounds like you are under time restraints and your parents won't give consent. My advise, find a tattoo shop that will do it on your birthday, even if they could do it at midnight! If you really want the tattoo (give it plenty of thought, too) and it is just your parents stopping you up, either talk to them (you're going into the army for godsake, can't you make this decision on your own!) or do it on your birthday.

    Otherwise, just wait. A tattoo takes 2-3 weeks to heal completely. I don't know if you want to deal with that after being shipped anyway. You may risk infection with boot camp activities and not being able to properly care for your new tat. It will have to be cleaned and moisturized daily. Having a fresh tat may also put a target on your back for some of the other guys or the drill instructor ("you think you are a tough guy!?!") Be sure to think of all the angles here. Good luck!

  3. There is an ink that is suppose to come off in 1-2 laser treatments called infinit ink. I'm not sure if it's out yet for sale, you might want to contact them or a tattoo shop and see if they can get it. The tattoo might cost a little more due to the price of the ink.

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