
Easy simple, *5 question survey*-global warming?

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1) Do you know what Global Warming is? Yes/no

2) In your opinion, Global Warming is caused by:

*(can choose 2)

a) Variation in Earth’s orbit to the Sun

b) Volcanic eruptions

c) Hot days during winter, and vs.

3) What is the Greenhouse Effect?

4) Rank the importance of stopping deforestation, to prevent Global Warming. 1-7 (1 is not important, 7 is extremely important)

5) Rank how significant fossil fuel burning has been, as a major factor in Global Warming. 1-5 (1 insignificant, 5 completely significant)




  1. 1. Yes.

    2.  None of the above.  The primary driver is variations in sunspot activity.

    3.  The tendency of certain gases in the atmosphere, especially water vapour, to retain heat.

    4.  Not important at all- forest cover has been increasing over the past 100 years.

    5.  Insignificant.


  3. 1. Yes.

    2. Variations in sunspot activity, orbital variations, and cosmic ray density.

    3. The tendency of certain gases in the atmosphere, especially water vapour, to retain heat.

    4. Not important. The Brazilian rainforests are a source of biodiversity, unrelated to GW.

    5. Insignificant. The Vikings of 1000 years ago didn't use them, but that didn't stop the MWP.

  4. 1. Overall average global temperature

    2. Solar Activity = Sun Flares, Sun spots, Interplanetary Magnetic Fields, etc.


    3. Greenhouse Effect = 98%+ water vapor.


    4. Ocean Algae + Biomass (grasses weeds, etc.) lastly forrests.

    5. No such thing as Fossil Fuels!!!



    "SOLAR BLAST:  No sunspots? No problem. Yesterday the blank sun unleashed a solar flare without the usual aid of a sunspot. At 1408 UT on April 26th, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a surge of X-rays registering B3.8 on the Richter scale of solar flares. Shortly thereafter, SOHO coronagraphs photographed a coronal mass ejection (CME) billowing away from the sun:

    The expanding cloud could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field late on April 28th or 29th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras when it arrives.

    This strange solar flare came from a patch of sun (N08,E08) where magnetic fields were not intense enough to form a visible sunspot (sunspots are made of magnetism). Nevertheless, magnetic fields were present with sufficient energy and instability to produce a powerful explosion. NASA's twin STEREO spacecraft, observing the sun from widely separated vantage points, recorded a million mph shock wave or "solar tsunami" spreading from the blast site through the sun's atmosphere: movie.

    There's MORE than Sunspots that effect our planet!!!

  5. 1) YES.

    2) i don't believe it is caused by any of those. i believe it is caused by harmful gases being trapped in our atmosphere.

    3) it's basically the whole cause of global warming; the effect of gases being trapped.

    4) well i believe deforestation should be prevented for many other reasons, but i do strongly believe that it does in fact reduce the severity of global warming. 7.

    5) 5, because the fuel mainly consists the things that harm the earth in the first place

  6. 1) Yes.

    2) Out of the three listed, only a) applies to global warming. Volcanic eruptions have a net short-term cooling effect, as evidenced by the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. And hot days during the winter, um, I'm not actually sure what you were trying to say there.

    However, the current global warming is being caused almost wholly by an enhanced greenhouse effect that has resulted from the emissions of greenhouse gases from human industry.

    3) The process by which radiation from the atmosphere produces a warming at a planet's surface.

    4) 6. Deforestation is a major source of the increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past century.

    5) 5.

  7. I agree 100% with the first poster.

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