
Easy soccer juggling tricks anyone?

by  |  earlier

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I've just barely mastered to juggle the ball. Does anyone know of any fairly simple tricks to learn and how to learn them?




  1. Try learning how to balance the ball on your foot without juggling, in time you can end up doing it while juggling and do moves like around the world and stuff.


  2. try using  your head

    or havee a friend juggle with you

    and see who can win its fun .

  3. First try different ways to get the ball up.

    Then go for around the worlds, headers, etc. youtube has a whole bunch of tricks. Start out easy, try to get a hundred, if you are there then master other parts. The point of juggling is to get a better touch on a ball. Also use different balls, as they are heavier and wil increase you're skill. But tricks do make it more fun,

    Ya go to youtube they got lots.;...

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