
Easy tips for going green?

by  |  earlier

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I want to go green, but i want to start out small, because other wise i get sick of things and quit, so does anyone have any little things i can do to start out with?




  1. going green doesn't have to dramatically affect your life. It can actually make your life healthier. Well, it can change your life for the better. Anyways, back to the point (lol, sorry that was kinda running on) Ok, so, there are cloth bags you can buy, so when you go shopping, you won't use a million of those useless, flimsy plastic grocery bags. That'll cut down on alot of garbage. you can start a recycling program with thick plastic tubs for each kind of recycling material (paper, plastic, glass, cardboard...) and, you can reuse old things so you don't have to throw them out. for example, old clothes can be made into little purses and headbands. Too short jeans can be made into capris...ect... You can walk to places more, which will not only save the environment, but will cut down on the cost of gas AND get you in better shape! a triple threat! lol! just kidding! That's all  i can think of right now, but hopefully these will help you go green!

  2. 'Green' as in St.Pat's day or green as in a way of life?:)

    We went 'green' in several areas of our lives a couple years back. I started out by being careful of what products I purchased - there is a website to help with that. Try the links

    below-there are so many out there to explore.

    You are a conscientious individual - I don't think you will have any trouble changing a few little things that make a big difference. Thanks for letting me in on this.

  3. ♥  Unplug your appliances when they are not in use.

    ♥  Use fluorescent light bulbs

    ♥  Grow tomato plants on your patio

    ♥ Use rags instead of paper towels

    ♥ Plant a tree

    ♥  Buy Organic

  4. My top tips for going green:

    1) Walk more ride less

    2) Recycle (At least soda cans and paper)

    3) Don't use news papers (Just watch the news)

    4) Use reusable bags for grocery shopping

    5) Turn of the lights when you leave

    6) Email More print less

  5. Don't use as much heating and air conditioning (wear a sweater and socks if you're cold instead) Walk/ride bike or use public transportation like a bus, train, subway etc. Use bags that are reusable when grocery shopping and switch your light bulbs.

  6. Drive less--walk and bike when you can.  Recycle.  Shop with reusable bags.  Buy local, sustainable and organic produce.  Turn off lights when you leave the room, and switch to CFL bulbs.

  7. Alright, starting small, use florescent light bulbs, turn off the water tap when you brush your teeth, and plant a tree on Earth Day

  8. I have a great list of ways to "go green" :

    How to Green Your Bathroom

    How to Reduce Your Computer's Energy

    How to Green Your Lunch

    How to Make Your Work Area Green

    I hope these help!

  9. You can make an impact by spreading the word!  Visit for eco friendly profile layouts & backgrounds. It's the easiest way to make an impact & you can't get sick of it cuz we add new designs everyday!  Make a difference & spread the word.  We can help you do it in style!

  10. Here are three easy ways to save energy:

    1. Replace your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). CFLs will save you up to 75% of lighting costs and will save the environment from approximately 1,3000 pounds of carbon dioxide over the course of its lifetime. This is because CFLs use one-quarter to one-third as much electricity as incandescent bulbs and last up to ten times longer.

    2. Turn off lights when you leave a room. Turn off lights that you don’t need (for example, if you are sitting at a desk reading, use a desk lamp instead of the overhead light).

    3. Unplug electronics and battery chargers when you are not using them. Even when these items are turned off, they still draw electricity. This is called vampire power and all your small household electronics can draw power as your refrigerator.

    Here are three easy ways to save water:

    1. Don’t leave the tap running while you brush your teeth (or shave, wash your face, etc). Turning off the water during teeth-brushing can save up to two gallons of water every time you brush.

    2. Take showers instead of baths. A bath typically requires 70 gallons of water, while a five-minute shower uses 10 to 25 gallons.

    3.  When you need to run the washing machine or dishwasher, make sure the machines are full (and when you need to replace them, go for high efficiency).

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