
Easy way to clean inside glass in my aquarium?

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algae on inside glass of aquarium..easy way to clean?




  1. Go to your local aquarium store and get a magnetic glass cleaner.  They're really awesome, it's basically a two sided glass cleaner, one side goes inside the tank and one goes outside, and they magnetize to eachother through the glass.  So... you move the one on the outside and the one on the inside sticks to it, cleaning up the glass on the inside!

    Oh, and they float... in case you mess up and they get un-magnetized!

    You could also just get a glass cleaning kit.  The good ones come with a corner scrubber, a regular scrubber and a razor blade for the stuff that's hard to get off.

  2. Spongebob & Patrick took the words right out of my mouth...I have magnetic $5.00 and it works really good.

  3. Marineland makes algae scrubbers for glass aquariums. They have long handles so you don't have to get your hand all wet. It actually works really well.

  4. algae scrappers...easily available at pet stores..if its too tough and the tank is made of can carefully use a razor blade too...

  5. For a plastic tank get a magnetic algae scrapper for a glass tank get a sponge cleaner not from your kitchen but from a petstore.

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