
Easy way to increase stamina?

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When ever I run i get tired really fast and want to be able to run longer distances

(I already know to keep running)




  1. Just do it.

  2. Just try building it up.  Start by trying to run for a couple minutes straight then slowly add to it each week.

  3. Do what I do,take an mp3 player with you,that way you wont be able to hear your breathing and youll forget if you are breathing heavily,hey it worked for me,also run 1 lap,walk 1 lap,and then run 1 lap,eventually your body will be able to run 2 laps without stopping.

  4. I usually eat a powerbar and drink gatorade.

  5. Lift light weights in sets of 20-30    Do cardio work outs.  there are tons of excercises you can do without wieghts. And because your not using weight you should be able to do lots of reps.  That will build your stamina.

  6. lap training in the pool is a great alternative

  7. run the 400m. it consists, speed and stamina.

    you'll see when you run it. it run it and it's very hard but gets you in shape.

    and also do squates, lunges, frogjumps, hard abs, ect. 100 each.

    I know its hard but keep it up!


    (and try running 10 miles.)

  8. ok i HAD that prob.. well c u just have 2 eat vegies and fruits and protein and swim alot! that helps and when u run start out running a small amount the 1st few times and then when u feel beter and not as winded aftr those laps increase the distance slightly i hope it works it did 4 me!

  9. Eat healthier and run more, not much else you can do except steriods but then you'd be a wuss :)

  10. swim, jog, anything that makes you heart beat faster.............

  11. start running like 15 mins one day and each day increase it by a minute or two eventually you will be running lolnger than you thinkg

  12. well as you already know run and use a treadmill it makes you run harder, do some excersies and even skip!! It helps , and just do fast moving excersies star jumps and you shouldnt eat unhealthy foods that also lowers your stamina if u eat chocolate and junk daily

  13. run down hill ;)

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