
Easy way to make fireworks.10 points for the best firework!?

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step by step instructions of making a good firework.




  1. sounds dangerous!

  2. 1) Acquire sufficient land to meet federal and state licensing requirements for clearances and setbacks for explosives manufacturing and storage

    2) Construct BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) compliant explosives storage magazine

    3) Get above magazine licensed by BATFE

    4) Acquire federal BATFE permits and licenses for explosives manufacturing and pay all required fees

    5) Have BATFE licensed magazine re-approved by state authorities

    6) Acquire state permits and licenses for explosives manufacturing and pay more fees

    7) Have BATFE and state approved magazine re-re-approved by local (county/city) authorities

    8) Acquire local permits and licenses for explosives manufacturing and pay more fees

    9) Find sources for required chemicals and pay more in hazmat shipping fees than the cost of the chemicals

    10) Get turned into law enforcement by upset neighbor or angry ex-gf as many pyro chemicals are also used to manufacture certain illegal recreational pharmaceuticals...

    THEN you get to work on actually being able to build a firework.

    Ain't no easy way...

  3. fire starting stuff

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