
Easy way to swallow pills?

by  |  earlier

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Ive never been able to swallow pills in my life, so I always end up just chewing them wich is horrible, so does anyone know an easier way to swallow or chew them without tasting them?

Ive tried doing it with yogurt and apple sauce, but I know Its in there so I still cant swallow it without chewing it.




  1. i always put water in my mouth first, then put the pill in my mouth, then jerk my head back to get the pill in the back of my throat and swallow.  its not good to chew pills, it can damage your teeth, esophagus etc.  you could buy a pill crusher at walgreens and mix the powder into a drink.

  2. Oh chewing pill is horrible. It really taste bad.

    this is how i swallow a pill. i pour water in a glass. then i put my pill at the end of my mouth, as far as i can. then i drink one or two sips of my water. and that's how i swallow my pills. sometimes it doesn't go down so i have to drink more from my water. and sometimes it sticks in my trout so i have to drink more water.

    remember to relax when you swallow your pill and b4 you drink your water, take a dip breath.

    hope this helped!

  3. when i was younger, my doctor was trying to get me to start taking non-chewable pills...he suggested i start by practicing with tic tacs or m&m's or a small candy like that...try it!

  4. You've got to put them as far back of the tongue as possible then drink lots o water. If they are capsules, wet them in your mouth a little before putting them in the back of the tongue, they go down a lot better - without sticking.

  5. I have the same runs in my family from my grandma, aunts, brother, and cousins.  Some people do not realize that for some it is not as easy as putting in your mouth and swallowing. I have found that sometimes milk covers the taste somewhat.

  6. If the other suggestions don't work, and I know that they don't with some people.  Try taking two spoons and crushing the pills and mix it with honey on the spoon (it helps to kill the taste).

  7. I never had that problem, I'm a pill poppin animal.

    I think it's just in your head, some reason you don't like swallowing pills, I can't tell why you don't. It's a little abnormal but...

    just put the pill on your tongue and drink it down. Is that really that hard???

  8. I too have never EVER been able to swallow pills, no matter how tiny. I know why too, I was held to the ground and had grass and dirt stuffed down my throat when I was little, I remember this too, and since then, NOTHING gets past my throat that has not been fully chewed or dissolved. Some pills I crush and dissolve in water. Some are capsules so you can pull them apart and use the powder in water... I ALSO take certain pills (antibiotics when I have to take them) and I crush these and put a tablespoon of chocolate pudding with it, mix it and then eat it, with a glass of water. I take my bp meds (half a pill) with a bite of nestle crunch bar, the crispies in the bar help get it out of my teeth and the chocolate helps get past the taste. I know anyone reading this will think I'm nuts but we all have to do what we have to to survive and get through the day. I can no longer use applesauce, my mother used to crush a bufferine and put it in applesauce when I had a headache and now to this day I can not even smell it without heaving. Its horrible. try a little bit of chocolate pudding, One pudding cup lasts me 2 days with the amount of pills I have to take. Please don't feel bad if you have to do any of the things I suggested, you have to do what you can to get your meds down... Good Luck.

    PS.......... DONT LET ANYONE ELSE MAKE YOU FEEL BAD... NOT EVERYONE CAN SWALLOW PILLS.. did you know that ALL pills never were pills to begin with ,, they were POWER.... you can STILL buy the original BC POWERS... they are but they are how all meds used to be.. they used to mix them with water and make the patient DRINK them. ... do NOT feel bad... for those of us who KNOW we cant swallow... some people do have smaller throats you know... not everyone can swallow a pill...

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