
Easy ways to tone a flabby tummy?

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im a mum of 5 im 5ft 4.and 11 stone,i think im a bit over weight,but i dont really want to loose weight just tone up my belly bum and legs.can anyone help.ive no willpower and not much time either to toneup cos of the time i spend with the kids.




  1. Eat less & do crunches while hanging from a pull up bar.

  2. Jogging on a trampoline is easy and a good way to tone up your arms and legs believe it or not, my legs don't have much flab left on them :P

    Sit ups and squats are a good way to toen your stomach but too much of them at once your stomach will just get used to it so spread them out during the day.

  3. I'm sorry, but you cannot just tone up a flabby tummy. What does that even mean?

    Honestly, it's impossible to target body fat loss unless you're using a machete. The only thing you can do with such a short amount of time is entirely change your take on nutrition. Do not bother with dieting. If you must go ON a diet, you're going to come OFF. That's just the way it works. Focus on eating healthy for life. Never eat anything with more than 10% calories from fat. That's the big one. Also, lay off the sugar as that does NOT help.

    I'm assuming you don't have much time to exercise now. If your kids are old enough, perhaps you can exercise with them. Find a fun activity you can do outside. Anything that's active will be a great help to your body.

  4. if you are not committed to diet and exercise ... which is ok ... talk to a plastic surgeon. Abs are very difficult to develop, and knowing that you have no willpower or time, there is no other way.

    Also, post pregnancy your skin may not tighten up enough for a well defined tummy anyway ... and even with diet and exercise, surgery may be a required for the results that you want anyway.

  5. Start a weight lifting routine. It will help increase your metabolism and make you feel and look better in so many ways. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall.  If you can't join a gym, these links will help you do it at home with ordinary things around the house.

  6. If you want to look more 'toned' you need to lose fat. You have muscles but the lack of tone and definition is caused by fat covering them. It can be hard to work out with 5 kids but if you find the time it is very beneficial for your body and overall health.

  7. You can't tone fat. You tone muscle. The abdominal fat over the muscle has to be decreased, and the size of the ab muscle increased.

    This can only happen with over time with a caloric deficit and ab exercises.

  8. Exercise.

    Even if its just running up and down the stairs after the kids!! :D

  9. The truth is that good abs are more about diet than exercise.  I'm not saying that situps aren't important, but specifically for your belly, it's diet.


  10. Sit ups are a great way to tone up your stomach.  

  11. well since you dont have much time, it will be really hard, but you can make it flatter by building some muscle around your abs and back. or anywhere, cause as you probably have heard muscle burns more than fat. crunches or supermans or anything would work

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