
Eating 1200 calories a day?

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ok hypothetically speaking if you ate 1200 calories a day in healthy foods or the same amout of calories in unhealthy foods would you end up losing the same amount of weight?




  1. nope.

    but i wish!


  2. No. There are many factors that go into weight loss. Fiber helps lose weight but saturated fat will make you gain it. You may still lose weight by eating only 1200 calories of unhealthy foods but you will feel sick and unhappy.

  3. no because although calories are main thing you need to pay attention to, there is also the fat content and the nutrients with aid in weight loss.

  4. no bcuz some junky foods like soda have ingrideints that will store fat faster so its harder to get rid of and have no nutritional value so u will still be hungrier  

  5. nope because the unhealthy foods may be low in calories but high in saturated fat!

  6. No, the best thing to use as a guide is your own body weight. Add a zero on the end of your weight in lbs and you've got how many calories your body needs just to work properly, so if you weigh 200lbs = 2000 calories a day. I got this from a Rosemary Connelly book and she is an expert in diet & fitness

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