
Eating Disorder help, Serious answers only.?

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Okay, first off if your going to give rude answers, please leave.

I have developed anorexia. I have been over weight most of my life, and trying to lose weight has always been an issue. It started off as a normal diet, (went to a doctor to get a meal plan etc..) but when I saw I was losing weight I wanted to lose more, so I went down to only 200 calories a day, sometimes less, sometimes more. I can not get diagnosed because I am not 20% under normal body weight, I have lost 25 lbs in under three months. I want to stop and put this behind me, I know I can do it without a clinic and I'm not that far into it, I just need some advice, on really what to do? have you been through this before? anything will help and 10 points will be given.




  1. I'm 15 and was kind of bolemic.

    Tell your parents; friends. They will encourage you and help

  2. Hi well done on wanted to stop thats great! I'm sure there are alot of sites out there that can help you out and message boards so you can talk to people who feel like you. Let your family know whats going on and i'm sure they will support you. Have a speak with your doctor as he will have some information for you. Here are some sites that might be able to help. I'm sure your do great good luck. - A womans recovery and writings from other people - online support

  3. Your diagnosis is ED-NOS (i.e., 307.50: eating disorder not otherwise specified).

    An excellent community and compilation of resources for those with eating disorders can be found here:


  4. This is an eating disorder article that gives you the symptoms, common thoughts of someone with the disorder and even has a journal entry by someone with an eating disorder. I found it very helpful.

  5. now that you are skinny just eat 2000 calories each day then you will probably grow average and if you eat 2000 pounds or more reward yourself then get a doctor check up every 2 weeks

  6. You can't really "get rid" of anorexia.

    The fact that you do want to get better and realize you have a problem is the first step so well done. It is important you start overcoming your bad habit before it becomes too hard to break.

    Now, obviously it's easy for everyone else to tell you to "just eat"...but anyone who has ever had an eating problem knows this isn't so easy. Perhaps if you try to start increasing the amount you eat slowly, it will make you feel better about eating more?

    It's important to remember, too, that eating healthy foods that have calories is different than eating junk foods with the same amount of calories. Eating healthier foods and perhaps exercising will give help you to gain back a bit of weight but not look "fat".

    However if it really is, as you say, an impossibility for you to start eating healthier on your own...perhaps seeking professional help is the best solution? If you can’t afford it, go to a parent. If you don’t feel comfortable with a parent, try a close friend. You have to take the plunge and talk to someone. They will support you. Eating so little every day is not good for your body or your health and could cause serious consequences. Therapists/nutritionists are trained and skilled to deal with these kinds of things and will be able to help you far better than most of us online.

    Just tell someone, get support, take baby steps and you will come through :)

  7. eat fruits and veggies alot and drinking 2-3 glass of milk each day

    dont do too much sports and dont worry about ur calories eat sumthin healthy and eat organic foods like cereals and all theyre very healthy and all ...

  8. First, the positive is you recognize that you do have a problem. Thinking you can do it on your own is dangerous.

    I will tell you from watching my cousin, who at puberty was a little chucky and was teased for it. After about a year of being teased (at age 14) she decided to go on a diet, which I remember was around Thanksgiving. She did everything right....she ate healthy foods and in moderation along with exercise. After x-mas, I didn't see her again until April for my Grandmother's b-day....she looked incredible. She looked healthy and seemed really happy with herself. I left for college a few mths later and didn't see her again until the following X-mas........I didn't know what to say when I saw her. Her face was sunken in and she looked really sick. She was obsessed about everything that went into her mouth....I remember she ate like 3 pieces of lettece from a salad and that was enough for was out of control, but for her it was all about control. She was dealing with alot of family issues (parents divorce)  and felt she had no control in her life, but it was the one thing she could. So.....she was diagnosed as an anorexic, then turned now she was both. She was destroying her body. She no longer would get her period, her teeth were in bad shape from the acid of throwing up...not to mention s******g up her internal organs, bone and heart problems. It's heartwrenching to watch a loved one go through's like watching a drug addict slowly kill themselves.

    She did this for all her teenage years and in her early twenties, which she ended up becoming a alcoholic and drug addict because she couldn't deal with the pain & anxiety of her eating disorder. It's a vicious cycle.

    She too thought she could do it on her own, but that way of thinking almost never works. You absolutely can beat it, but don't fool yourself thinking you can do it alone. You do need a support system and tools to know how to deal with your underlying issues. Anorexia and Bulemia are eating disorders, but it goes WAY BEYOND that. I don't have to tell you.....I know deep down you already know.

    I understand your concern about clinics and not being able to afford treatment. I don't know where you're located, but I'm sure there are facilities that offer counseling....sometimes the state will help you out. I'm going to provide some links below that will provide you with information and help.

    I wish you all the best and remember, one day at a time! Take care.

  9. Get professıonal help. This is too big for anyone to handle all by theirself.

  10. Maybe you could look up the complications that come with anorexia e.g. the bone disorders etc.

    Also, try talking to family and friends. You might not realize it but they will be very understanding and can help you get over this.

    There are many forums and similar things on the internet, but be careful because some promote it and you don't want to be looking at this.

    Just think - you aren't at the stage of being diagnosed yet but you can beat this. Food isn't the enemy even though you think it might be.

    Also, you might not be able to recieve proper hospital treatment but have you tried getting therapy for it? Like counselling? If so, it could help you a lot. If not, then focus on other things apart from calorie counting etc. Go out with friends to the cinema and try to have fun.

    It's not going to be easy, not in the slightest, but if you work with it then you will be a stronger person overall. Please don't become one of those girls who die from this. And nobody should be rude about this because it's serious so don't worry.  

  11. First of all, congratulations on recognizing that you have a problem; that happens to be one of the hardest steps. AND you realized that you want help, which is the one reason most anorexic people get better.  If you don't WANT to stop the disease, it will get worse, and you caught it before something terrible could truly happen.

    Make yourself a meal plan that is around 1500 calories a day if you want to continue losing weight... this way, you can get essential nutrients [if your 1500 calories are comprised of GOOD and HEALTHY foods only!] I know it will be hard to begin eating that much, it's so hard when your anorexic, everything looks like pure fat.  But convince yourself each day to eat 100 calories more, and eventually you'll get there :].

    PLEASE, get help, and a support system from friends and family, and good luck! I'm here to talk if you need it.

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