
Eating because I'm bored!

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Hi, I eat because I am bored, and want too stop. Going out and doing stuff isn't the answer though because of the weather, so tips pls?




  1. hmm yeah i do that sometimes, maybe try chewing gum or drinking water instead

  2. I do the same thing. What i find helps is drinking a glass of water instead of eating sometimes your brain tells you you want to eat but really you need to drink. Try getting your friends to help you by stopping you going to the kitchen or eat food that makes you feel full so you feel like snacking less.

  3. if you are bored check out and comment on my series of vids

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  4. I used to suffer from the same problem. But just take a deep breath and think, do I really want to eat this? Am I really hungry? Think of how you will feel afterwards...bad, upset, guilty...that usually deters me enough.

    Try to avoid the kitchen or whereever the food is. Call a friend (it's rude to eat while on the phone) or clean the house. You'll be killing two birds with one stone: clean house, no eating!

    Avoid sitting down and watching TV. That's when most people overeat. Do anything that will take your mind off food.

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