
Eating disorder question...??

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will you gain more weight then what you started from an eating disorder.

like i had an eating disorder and i have stopped having one about a month ago...

i went from 125 to 115.

now im about 120-122...will i gain anymore??




  1. Dear Tori,

    I know how you are feeling right now. I also suffered from an eating disorder, but i am now getting help.  I am not sure what your height is, but your weight sounds very healthy. Congratulations for having the courage to get healthier.  I dont think you will gain any more weight, so please dont worry about it.  Your body has a set healthy weight, and as long as you are eating healthily and exercising, you will never become overweight.  I think it would be best for you if you just threw away the scale. Well, you don't have to be THAT dramatic about it, but the point is, don't weigh yourself every day.  Go by how you feel. Don't let a stupid little number dictate your moods.  Keep up the good work!

  2. Your reducing weigh too much

    Your gaining weigh too much

    You need go see a counselor, I cannot say you are healthy. If you have dissatisfied feeling for something or anxiety, you should tell someone (expert is better).  

  3. i doubt it. just remember to exercise and eat healthy. AND DONT GO BACK TO THE EATING DISORDER!!!

  4. don t worry, i had one to, and i was so scared that the weight just would keep going up and up and i woulnt be able to eat the same as i did before pre e.d.

    at first you gain weight quickly because your body just stores it, but then your body gets back to normal and you should be able to mantain the weight you were pre e.d. and eating the same amounts. it does depend on the duration of your e.d though, and the longer it was the longer it will take to get back to normal but dont worry. you will probably keep at 122

  5. sweetheart, why are you so worried about your weight like this? ask yourself this.

    Can you get another hobby?

    One that has nothing to do with your weight?

    Like, painting pictures, writing books, sailing, skiing, hiking, vollyball, horseback riding, photography, volunteering services to your community?  

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