
Eating disorder question???

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So people are saying I have an eating disorder cause I don't like to eat a lot. Im want to lose weight. And they say oh your going to die....but you always see these stories of how someone was anorexic for 11 years and so on. So how long does it really take to die from an eating disorder? Pople are acting like I am going to die in the next week.....people starve themselves for years.




  1. eating disorders are very serious things and if you are starving yourself to lose weight you should go and seek some medical attention

    eating disorders are very serious no matter how long you have them, the longer you wait before getting help and treatment then the harder and longer it is going to be for you to recover

    people can die or suffer irreversible damage from eating disorders no matter how long you have them

    the best thing for you to do right now would be to talk to someone about this and your eating habits, whether this be a friend, a counceller or someone you trust

    don't wait much longer before you get help, it only makes everything much worse and much harder to get better

  2. It's hard to tell. Do you feel guilty after you eat? Do you calculate your meals? Do you obsess and worry about when/where/and how much you're going to eat?

    Anorexia is where you eat barely any food. (ie: a piece of toast for breakfast, three crackers for lunch, an apple for dinner.) THAT is unhealthy.

    Are you fainting? Do you bruise easily? Do you have a fur-like hair on your arms? Are you losing your hair? Are your eyelids almost translucent?

    People that have an eating disorder deny that they do. I doubt you do because you wouldn't want to draw attention to yourself if you were. Anorexics and bulimics like to keep it a secret.

    How skinny are you? Can you give a picture? Are your ribs extremely visible. Can you see all the ridges on your spine? Do your shoulders and hips stick out? Do you look skin-and-bones?

    Never starve yourself. It takes a few months for anorexics to be at a life-threatening stage.

  3. You could die anytime....go eat a burger

  4. I suffered from both bullimia and anorexia.  Let me tell you.... it's not fun and does more harm than good.

    11 years eh?  Well....  most likely, they only had ENOUGH to eat to be able to stay alive.  

  5. you are in denial- look at what you just wrote- you sound like you have a eating disorder just by the logic and reasoning you just used... that I can starve myself now, I am not going to die right now, it will take years, and by that time I will be thin.

    honey, wake up!  I knew someone who died within 2 years of having an eating disorder, before that spent 6 months in teh hospital wasting away!  

    You will not want to hear this, but if you honestly in your heart of hearts know you have a problem- get help, because its possible to be happy with who you are and not constantly obsessed with not eating!

  6. be comfortable with you body.

    i am sure you are beautiful

    you just dont relize it

  7. I noticed you gave someone an answer on how to stop someone from committing suicide. If you know you are starving yourself to death (even if it takes a very long time) isn't this slow suicide? Please talk to someone about this. You can't even begin to imagine how hurt your loved ones will be if they lose you. Trust me - I know.  

  8. well it depends on how strict you are on yourself. you dont have to stop eating completely to be anorexic. i was anorexic and i limited myself to 800 calories a day up to the point where it was only 100 calories a day. so you can eat and still have anorexia. but coming from someone with anorexia for a long dont wanna walk in our shoes hun. its a painful experience and its really not worth those extra 5 lbs. im not saying you should diet cuz thats your choice...just dont hurt yourself in the process. (my secret to losing weight is celery.) its insane how well that works.  

  9. look i really don't know but i know  that what ur doing  is very bad for u but if u could could u please tell us why ur doing it  

  10. food is delicious you should eat it

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