
Eating in mexico...?

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can you get different food poisons in mexico than you can in america?? just wondering.




  1. i think the same.  avoid raw vegitables, especially lettuce, it traps bacteria easily. (for some reason fruit is mostly ok) and eat where you see many other people eating.  don't buy anything from an open container...such as bins of unwrapped candy or shelled nuts)

  2. Same kinds.

  3. As every one says, do not drink the tap water.  Only drink bottled water (even for brushing your teeth) and beware of eating any thing that may have been washed by tap water (fruits, veggies, etc.)  Street vendors can be the best food you'll find and it's a great mix of local culture.  Stick to the places that seem popular; the locals are usually the best judge.  You will notice lime wedges in almost every restaurant; they offer a distinctive flavor, but also kill some of the lingering  germs that may be on the food.  

    Don't be afraid to try some thing new, the food down there is so different from here.  They don't use as many preservatives and it seems like every thing is amazingly fresh.  If you do start to feel like you have an upset stomach, stop by a local pharmacy and pick up "Treda".  It is similar to Alka seltzer and it will kill a stomach infection.  Enjoy your trip!
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