
Eating meat makes me feel sorry?

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I feel bad for animals when I eat them.I havent eat meat for a week.but today ate it so my parents wouldnt know.I felt terriable.I keep trying to leave little hints like telling my mom how wrong it is to put pig snouts,genitals,and hoofs in hot dogs Again why do feel so sad and sorry about it




  1. well you could give up meat all together and become a vegitarian plus the vegie meat they sell in stores is way better and it does not involve gross things in it, just veggies

  2. yes i think pretty much the same way. That's why i an vegan. Animals suffer so much, and we really don't need to eat them so i used to feel incredibly guilty. When you eat meat you are indirectly supporting the cruel industry, there's no way around it. My parents disagreed with my views for awhile (i gave up pork when i was 9), but now after I've told them some pretty bad stories and shown them some videos, they support me. Maybe you should try becoming vegetarian for ethical reasons. It shows you are a compassionate person, if you stick to your values and keep healthy your parents will respect your decision.

    PETA has a lot of information on the topic

    Good luck!!

  3. Me too. But then I get hungry  .  .  .


  4. u fell sorry because you know what the people do before you eat them. i feel bad too but i would probley be dead without it cuz that and pasta and pizza. I'm really picky. But maybe you should try like vegitarian burgers i've nvr had them but i heard there good....

  5. I hear you, still a lot of companies put whatever they want into the hotdogs, specially overseas (mexico for example). I have seen it!!

    But the problem is not to put genitals into hotdogs, the real problem is to put the animal there (whatever part they put inside the hotdog)

    You keep fighting there, and if you want to be vegetarian but still like meat, you could try some veggie hotdogs or veggie hamburgers. They sell all of that in whole foods. Good luck.

  6. well if you feel bad, become a vegetarian.

    it wont be hard for you seeing as how you feel so bad.

    and i think veggie burgers and stuff are wayyyyy better tasting than meat. =]

  7. you are in luck, i have worked in a meat packing plant and can give you some true  insigth.

    Hot dogs are usually made from the less profittable cuts of meat, such as briskets(chest),belly muscle or hock(thighs) of beef and pigs, chicken thighs and spine meat is also used for hot dogs. pig snouts are not used since they contain too much fat, pork snouts are used along with hearts and ears in the production of hog head cheese. hoofs are not used in food production, they are rendered for tallow and the tallow is used in the manufacture of wood glue. genitals are not used for human food, they are ground up along with most entrails and used for feed ofal (animal feed non canibalistic) and in the case of genitals, only the testicles are used, penises and uretras are not used and are disposed or incenerated.

    As humans we need to eat meat to grow and survive, we would not be able to get all nutrients from plants and grains alone. dont feel sad for animals that are sacrificed for food. modern slaugthering methods are the most humane and it is imperative that the animals die quickly and whitout suffering.

  8. If you eat meat that has no antibiotics it is healthy.  If you buy it froma place like Trader Joes there is a better chance that the animal was healthy before slaughter.

    And based upon how extreme your vegetarian diet is, eggs could have been chickens.  And do plants "feel" - some people talk to them and think so.

    You can avoid food like lamb where it is inhumane treatment by placing an  animal in a tiny bin, but cows fed naturally don't have a bad life!

  9. It's natural to feel sorry for the animals. You obviously have deep compassion for their lives and feel guilty for their suffering. You should go vegetarian, or maybe even vegan!

    You should just be upfront with yout parents. Tell them how you feel about eating meat and that it makes you uncomfortable. I'm sure they'll understand.

    EDIT: I'm sorry about the other people who posted before me. Those kind of people make me embarassed to be a human frankly. =/

  10. I don't think they put genitals in hot dogs...

  11. go vegan hun. now there are soooooooo many different alternatives to meat that are good =]]. its the right decision for your health, the animals, and the environment. seacrh morningstar farms, boca, and yves. these are some meat alternatives companies. THEY MAKE EVERYYYTHIINNGGG!

  12. Idk...  eating  meat  makes  me  feel  full...  burp!

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