
Eating out???

by Guest57460  |  earlier

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is it bad manner's to clean plates and have them stacked up and ready ,for the waitress .i think it's nice to help, what do you think?




  1. just help them and hand stuff to them if its far away

  2. Depends on the restaurant and what your paying. We did it in a TV chefs place and were told it was not our F******g job.

  3. I  don't know if it's classed as bad manners. but personaly i agree with the asker here. it is great to help out the waiter / waitress, especialy if you actualy enjoyed the meal.

  4. Yes, it is bad form. Just make sure you leave unwanted food along with your knife and fork on the left hand side of your plate and move it slightly away from you, forwards. If you really want to please the waitress, how about a tip.

  5. I believe technically its bad manners, but I dare say the waitress or waiter doesn't mind at all

  6. my grandmother does this, and i think it's bad manners and shows her obsessive compulsive disorder, but the waiters usually appreciate it

  7. The waitress is paid to do a job,what do you want diners to do,the washing as well,I'm a decorator and I don't expect the walls to be painted when I get to a job

  8. I think so too, but it depends on where you are...

    Like in Germany for example if you eat more than half your plate your "dissin" the cook

  9. In most restaurants, it's not a problem at all.  I worked as a waitress at a reasonably decent restaurant, and was always chuffed when customers had done that.

    However, in really top notch places, I'd leave it be.

  10. I think thats slightly bad manners even if it is well intended. It spoils the restaurants image a bit too so you aren't really helping the waitor.

  11. It's not bad manners and they'd probably be very grateful for it. Personally though, I wouldn't do it, because it's a nice change not having to clear up and it's their job anyway. I'm not a neat person at all! ^_^"

  12. not sure ,i used to do it out of habit but now i make sure its easy or quick to remove. think 99 per cent of customers do not

  13. i dont know alicia, maybe cause im wallfalling, im lathered, im dying of the drought its ok its only the "usual" here

  14. I like to do it, but everyone else thinks I am crazy. I often get thanked by the wait/bus staff. I think it's great.

  15. Interesting - sometimes I do this - but not at "posh places" small restaurants, coffee shops etc if it appears that they need help.


  16. yes it is my way, but, its not the done thing in posher restaurants

  17. I think that is nice, I do that too.  I am a very clean person so I cant stand to see everything all over the table, plus, you might put your elbow in some food or something!!

  18. I see what you are saying about it helping the waiter/waitress but that is their job, they don't come to work and help you.

    Yes it is bad manners and if you are in a good restaurant, you will be appreciated more by staff if you show good manners.

    You should also never take your plate from the waiter/waitress, just leave them to put it down on the table in front of you.

    Hope this helps!

  19. I think if you need a job than you should go to O'Charley's. It is a great resturant. And a lot of people love it. So you would get a lot of buisness. Or you can go to Chick-fil-A. That is a cool place to work.
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