
Eating problem......?

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ohk this has been happening for a a couple months now. i have no idea why but my eating habits are really messed up and bad.

ohk so usually before school i eat a bowl of cereal or protein bar. then i eat lunch at like 1:00. usually i just have a chicken sandwich, chips, and lowfat chocolate milk. now....when i come home..[and i dont even feel hungry] i eat everything thats possible to eat!! and its usually junk food and im trying to maintain my weight and stuff but yeahh its really weird cuz i do this everyday. is this normal? how can i stop?




  1. You have a habit of eating.  this is absolutely nothing to be worried about if you are a teen and still growing.  If you would like to maintain your weight but still want to eat, you need to add more cardio into your routine.  If not then you can eat something healthy or not have a snack at all and wait until dinner.

    It takes about a month to create a habit.  It is up to you to control your eating habits and if they are not were they should be then you should change them.

    You do not have an eating problem.

  2. It sounds to me like maybe you need to eat a more filling breakfast in the morning. I know it can be hard to eat early in the morning, as many people don't have an adequate appetite then, so maybe have your protein bar and then bring something with you to school to have later in the morning. This is important, especially since you eat lunch fairly late in the day. I would suggest some sort of trail mix. There are some really delicious ones out there with healthy nuts, dried fruit, and a little bit of chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth :) Just watch your portion size.

    When you come home, I would suggest finding another room to relax or do homework in, other than the kitchen. Then when it ocmes to dinnertime, go back to the kitchen, sit down, and have a satisfying meal. Make sure that it is filled with veggies and lean proteins, which will satisfy your appetite and make you less likely to snack later in the evening. Once the meal is over, don't be afraid to vacate the kitchen again to prevent late night snacking!

  3. A couple of reasons may explain why.

    Your blood sugar is falling. You are not eating frequently enough to maintain it. This will trigger cravings.

    You are eating carb loaded snacks when you get home. this will just perpetuate a craving. You never feel full until you have eaten a ton of calories.

    You are going through a growth spurt and yuor body is demanding more calories.

  4. Lots of people just eat when theyre bored.  maybe you should find something to do after school, like an after school activity or something.
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