
Eating question...i have a 3 3/4 month old...?

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olivia when hungry takes anywhere from 5 to 6 ounces every 2 1/2 or 3 hours....ive noticed a few days out of this week shes been refusing to eat even half of her bottle......she eat like one full bottle in the morning and then be little miss selective the rest of the day.....shes acting normal- no temperature and not this normal for babies to go through sometimes?




  1. Sounds like our little girls are alike! My daughter is 3 months old as well and she does this all the time. Shes not up to 5-6 oz at all...the most she will take at a sitting is 4 oz and sometimes will only take 2 or 3 oz. If shes happy and content with that and still growing good, no worries! :)

    I did hear though, that babies tend to eat less when they are trying to figure out a big milestone. For example, my daughter was doing this all week and today she finally rolled from her belly to her back!

  2. Very normal. Infants eat when they are hungry. If she is sleeping through the night that could be why she eats more in the morning. As long as she is acting normally, her soft spot is not sunken in and her mouth is wet I would not worry.

    As your baby goes through growth spurts she will eat more often and sleep more.

    Good luck and Congrats!

  3. It is quite common for babies up to 6 months to change their eatting habbits frequently. If you have any real concerns it's best to call your child's pedi and talk to him/her.  

  4. it sure is normal.... don't worry about a thing, just keep offering at regular times and let her decide how much she is going to take.

    babies go through phases all the time.. .just trust her.

  5. Have you tried burping her alot? My son needing more burp time than he did eating time. I had to use three different ways to get all the air out every few ounces or he would refuse to eat anymore. But once I got the air out he had room in his little tummy for more milk! haha

    And some babies just eat less but if she starts losing weight or looking unhealthy in any way i would take her straight to the doc. Too little to take a chance.

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