
Eating rats is the best way for rich and poor people to solve the global crisis of rising food prices?

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  1. You are welcome to eat any rat you think fit as for me no thanks.

  2. This is a silly and poor bastardization of a satiric essay composd scores of decades ago.

  3. yea and catch diseases...

  4. Rats Rats and more Rats.

    Rats are a good source of protein, mice too, ask any wolf if you dare get that close to one.

    Rat meat is not bad tasting ,the thought deters most people from giving it a try.

    For rat meat to help world hunger would depend on two things;

    1- A efficient way to process it.

    2-The ability to convince people to try it.

    Rat is eaten in several countries around the world.

    In China you would be hard pressed to find dog on a menu right now but it is common place in times when the Olympics are not there.

    Rat is also commonly eaten there as it is in other countrys , it is just not listed a rat on the menu.

    I'm not sure it would help the world hunger problem but eating rat would not hurt either.

  5. Erm no not really, rising food prices is due to inflation and economic unsteadiness, so it would not even make a difference to the price rate if we ate rats or not.  

    Secondly, not even gunna read the article but the person who wrote it obviously is clueless to amount of disease that rats have.  Countries spend millions to ensure that our food is free of disease, and look what happened to people when bird flu and mad cow disease broke in to highly secured disease protection systems.  What do you think the damage would be if we ate rats that are not in controlled environments and are more vulnearble to every disease possible?  We would all die and catch the plague.

    Stick to high priced food or shop at budget priced supermarkets with lower quality food, either or, at least you'll live.

  6. The best way to solve rising food prices is for people to stop having 15 d**n kids. Some of these countries just need condoms. For God's sake you live in a hut, are you s******g all day in front of your kids? Get out of bed and try to do something else. Don't come crying to me because you have 15 kids you can't feed.

  7. Yeah give the rats to the chinese and Indians and lets then keep our chickens and meat that we are currently exporting to them, putting our prices up even though we are paying taxes that are used to subsidise farmers. If we subsidise them, then lets at least keep their produce in our economies

  8. Why eat Rats, I Feed off of Humans!  [ l**k, ]

  9. how about rich people eating poor people. if rich people eat poor people then it's a new source of food. if poor people are being eaten they dont need food to survive. and we get rid of poverty at the same time.

    3 birds with one stone!

  10. that's just silly

  11. If they want to eat them then let them.The chinese will help out.

  12. WTF?!

  13. Yes I read that as well.  And I thought that I had been eating rats all these years at the cheap chicken places.

    I think we should all consider different forms of animal and insectivore protein.  It makes a lot of sense.  We only don't eat them due to cultural barriers, which is just plain daft.

  14. hahahaha.


    congratulations you are my genius of the day.

    that was worthy of pilkington himself.

  15. except for the disease factor. what about bugs??

  16. Mmmm, ratty.

  17. Is poached rat good?!!!

  18. That one guy.   For there to be rich people there must be poor people.

    Id eat rat if I were able to be sure of it not having diseases.

  19. No. Diseases will break out, resulting in people spending all their money on hospital bills.

    Articles aren't always right, you know. I could publish an article stating that the sky is green and that birds live in the ocean, but that doesn't mean it's true.

  20. dude thats weird

  21. that is just nasty,  I used to have them as pets, Oscar and Felix


  22. Eating kids would also lower the population crisis over there in india too.

    sometimes, just because its in an article, doesn't make it a good idea.

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